
The elegance of retro-futurism: Italian car of the future in 1970


The elegance of retro-futurism: Italian car of the future in 1970

Ferrari 512 Modulo was first introduced at the Geneva motor show in 1970. So, did the legislators of the Italian automotive ...

How the designers of the 70s imagined the car of the future


How the designers of the 70s imagined the car of the future

In the past, people had different ideas about what cars would look like many years later. One of these options is RoAcH CoAcH. This ...

What the Zaschka Three Wheeler, the world's first folding car, looked like


What the Zaschka Three Wheeler, the world's first folding ...

The inventor Engelbert Zashka was one of the first pioneers of the helicopter industry in Germany. However, this invention is not ...

What did Louis Mattara's Cadillac look like, a 1947 car that had... everything


What did Louis Mattara's Cadillac look like, a 1947 car that ...

Louis Mattar - owner of a garage in San Diego, a famous master of remaking cars. In 1952, he presented his top-end development – ...

20 photos of celebrities of the twentieth century on motorcycles


20 photos of celebrities of the twentieth century on motorcycles

Motorcycles have long been a kind of symbol of freedom and risky adventures, so it is not surprising that many famous creative ...

The German spent ten years searching all over Europe for cemeteries of old cars-from tractors to Mercedes


The German spent ten years searching all over Europe for ...

Robert Kahl, a 30-year-old civil servant from Germany, is simply obsessed with cars: he has spent more than a decade searching for ...

Soviet auto tourism of the 60s: what was the road to the sea for our grandparents


Soviet auto tourism of the 60s: what was the road to the sea ...

Today, auto tourism is a trip to the forest, to the lake or the sea. Well, or a trip to Europe by your own car. At the same time, ...

The formula of salvation, or What is "Halo"


The formula of salvation, or What is "Halo"

Despite the fact that Formula 1 cars are getting faster and more powerful every year, their pilots no longer put themselves in such ...

How Hidden and Forgotten Car Collections Found New Owners


How Hidden and Forgotten Car Collections Found New Owners

Fifty new "60s Chevys in an abandoned dealership in Nebraska, dozens of retro cars and Formula 1 cars in a farmers' hangar in ...

"Little Bastard" James Dean's Death Car


"Little Bastard" James Dean's Death Car

Over a century and a half of its existence, the automotive industry has created many legendary cars. Some, such as the Rolls-Royce, ...

The miracle of hostile technology: the Messerschmitt tricycle


The miracle of hostile technology: the Messerschmitt tricycle

For the automotive industry has generated a lot of unusual cars in its century-and-a-half history. Some of them were luxurious and ...

False start for "Start": what was the fate of the most beautiful Soviet minibus


False start for "Start": what was the fate of the most ...

The plastic minibus "Start" is not known to every motorist. Although many people have probably seen him in the movies. This unique ...

10 most unusual roads in the world


10 most unusual roads in the world

For many people, an unplanned drive to "nowhere" is akin to meditation.. Fans of road travel look directly at the road as a ...

10 Times Trashed Cars Were Restored To Their Former Glory, Shared In This Online Group


10 Times Trashed Cars Were Restored To Their Former Glory, ...

Do you know how taking up ceramics or yoga can be therapeutic after a long, hard day’s work? This can be applied to a slew of ...

Fascinating photos from the cabins of different vehicles


Fascinating photos from the cabins of different vehicles

All the boys, and perhaps some of the girls, loved to climb on different equipment as a child. Well, to get into the cockpit of an ...

Only the wind, only happiness ahead: 29 dogs that face has the wind


Only the wind, only happiness ahead: 29 dogs that face has ...

The dog leaned out of the window of a moving car, is a perfect illustration of happiness. But why dogs like to lean out of the ...

Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you to wear


Belt survivors: 10 magnificent photos that will convince you ...

In New Zealand launched a project called "buckle up and live", which contains collected stories of people involved in accidents and ...

It could come only in Japan — coolest mobile mini-garden


It could come only in Japan — coolest mobile mini-garden

Such a phenomenon could, perhaps, to appear only in the land of the rising sun, where 127 million people live in close quarters, ...

12 of the strangest cars the world has seen


12 of the strangest cars the world has seen

Since the release of the first production car, the automotive world has evolved, perhaps, every decade. Models of a certain era are ...

30 homes that are more comfortable many apartments


30 homes that are more comfortable many apartments

A dream of a life full of travel, but not every dreamer dares do move into a house on wheels and go aimlessly. As a rule, ...

Gorgeous Sophia Loren and her Mercedes-Benz 300SL


Gorgeous Sophia Loren and her Mercedes-Benz 300SL

Mercedes-Benz 300SL is a sports car released in 1954 in a two-seater coupe body with unique doors of the "Seagull Wing" type, and ...

The greatest car race in history: 20 thousand kilometers on carts with an engine


The greatest car race in history: 20 thousand kilometers on ...

On the cold morning of February 12, 1908, a quarter of a million people poured out onto the streets of New York to see the start of ...

Girls and cars 80s: a collection of iconic magazine photos Autobuff


Girls and cars 80s: a collection of iconic magazine photos ...

In the mid-80s in the United States was published automotive magazine that the sellers stores often put on the same shelf with ...

Under your feet, above your head - Dizzying buildings by Stefano Scarselli


Under your feet, above your head - Dizzying buildings by ...

Italian photographer Stefano Scarselli creates amazing photographs that harmoniously combine sky and earth. His photographs are a ...

Golden time on wheels: American trailer parks in 50-ies and 60-ies


Golden time on wheels: American trailer parks in 50-ies and ...

In the US, thousands of trailer parks: according to various estimates, they account for about 20 million people. But the heyday of ...

Don't move! The 6 most Exhausting Traffic Jams in history


Don't move! The 6 most Exhausting Traffic Jams in history

There is such a psychological technique, simple, but quite effective: if something upsets you, think about the fact that everything ...