Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant idea

Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant idea

Categories: Fashion | Social Networks | Society

From boredom on self-isolation, the craziest ideas come to people's heads. While beauty salons and hairdressers are closed, women are trying to clean themselves up by doing haircuts, manicures and other cosmetic procedures on their own. Sharna Lakeland went even further and decided to create a new trend — striped tan. She posted a video in a strange way on Facebook and aroused great interest among users of the social network.Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant ideaBeing quarantined, people struggle with boredom in different ways: they clean the house, do needlework and learn something new. Those who are used to regularly visiting beauty salons are now forced to do all the procedures at home on their own. Women cut their own hair, do manicures, and apply an artificial tan, but sometimes attempts to clean themselves up end in complete failure.

Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant ideaSharna Lakeland was so exhausted with longing that she decided to transform herself by making a striped tan. To create a strange image, she stuck tape all over her body, including her face, and then applied a self-tanning agent.

Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant ideaThe woman shared a video of her transformation on Facebook on the page of the Isolation Nation group. In the video, she wraps her legs, arms and face with duct tape, and then applies self-tanning. As a result, Sharna became like a zebra.

Zebra in quarantine: a woman made a striped tan and considers it a brilliant ideaThe video has gained a lot of views and comments from puzzled users of the social network. Some consider Sharna's trick a brilliant idea, while others say that she went crazy out of boredom.

Tan is now in fashion and many girls regularly visit tanning salons so that the skin acquires the desired bronze hue. But for this beauty, the love of sunbathing has turned into a real addiction.

What do you think about striped tan?

Keywords: Facebook | Self-tanning | Appearance | Woman | Tan | Zebra | Idea | Isolation | Quarantine | Stripes | Users | Tape | Boredom | Body

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