Wild road rules in different countries of the world

Wild road rules in different countries of the world

Categories: Auto | Society | World

A personal car is no longer a luxury, but just a means of transportation. And like any ordinary thing, traveling by car on the roads of different countries is regulated by different rules. We will tell you about the strangest ones in this collection.

Wild road rules in different countries of the world


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In Denmark, in no case can you start the car until you check your transport completely. And by the word "completely", Danish law means that you must definitely look under the car and make sure that there is no sleeping child there. A bright country.


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In Thailand, local traffic police officers can be fined for driving without a shirt. Thai law does not tolerate a boorish naked body, whether it is a woman or a man.


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

Mexico is the only country where the common sense function was turned on and the young ladies were forbidden to make up behind the wheel. And so that they would not be offended, men were forbidden to shave.


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In the USA, many road rules are already outdated, but they are still in effect. For example, in the state of Pennsylvania, a driver is obliged to hide a car if it frightens a horse.

Wild road rules in different countries of the world

But in Alabama, an unusual law seems quite reasonable. Drivers are not allowed to drive barefoot. This rule was invented for a reason — one driver almost died from it. The man could not press the brake pedal in time because it was too hot.

Well, for dessert — in the same Alabama it is forbidden to drive a car with your eyes closed.


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In the Philippines, they are struggling with traffic jams as best they can. Cars with numbers ending in numbers 1 and 2 should not appear on the roads on Mondays, on 3 and 4 — on Tuesdays, 5 and 6 — on Wednesdays, 7 and 8 — on Thursdays, and 9 and 0 — on Fridays. On weekends, everyone can appear on the roads. Well, that's it.

Some European countries

Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In France, Finland and Spain, motorists are prohibited from using such a miracle of technology as a radar detector. And in Luxembourg, Belgium and Sweden, for a passion for such gadgets, you can serve a real prison sentence (from three months to eight years).


Wild road rules in different countries of the world

In Austria, there is a very dubious law for drivers — video recorders are officially banned in the country. The use of these devices is considered an invasion of privacy.

Keywords: Drivers | Law | Car | Rules

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