Why there are very few resorts on the Black Sea coast of Turkey
Categories: Travel
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/why-there-are-very-few-resorts-on-the-black-sea-coast-of-turkey.htmlTraditional tourist destinations in Turkey are the shores of the Mediterranean, Marmara and Aegean Seas. It is there that the bulk of hotels are concentrated, where tourists from all over the world go to rest. At the same time, few people remember the Black Sea coast of the country, located in the north. Why are there very few hotels there, and this zone itself is unpopular with holidaymakers?
The Black Sea coast of Turkey is almost 1,700 km of coastline. The climate in this part of the country is quite resort, because it is located even further south of the Crimea. Nevertheless, few can boast of having vacationed in Turkey on the Black Sea. There are resorts there, but there are few of them and they are rarely busy.
This is primarily due to the climate. Imagine, but the north of Turkey is considered... cold. The water there warms up "only" to +24 degrees, and the beach season lasts from the end of May to mid-September. For our citizens, this is just an ideal option, but only at home.
Going abroad, they prefer the warmer south of Turkey. People swim in the mega-popular Antalya from April to November. The water temperature at the height of the season is +28-30 degrees, and the air temperature does not fall below +15 even in winter. So everything is learned in comparison.
Winter in the Turkish Black Sea region is quite cold, and rains are not uncommon in the warm season. Why go there if there is a warmer and more comfortable option to stay in the south? Since the demand for holidays near the Black Sea is small, the resort infrastructure on this coast of the country is appropriate. Resorts are dispersed over long distances and you can't call them fashionable. Amasra, Rize, Samsun, Trabzon, Kurkasile, Sinop - these are, perhaps, all the places worth mentioning.
By the way, there is nowhere else to build hotels - the Black Sea coast of Turkey is very mountainous. The beaches there are rocky, with large boulders and even boulders predominating. In the eastern part of the coast, the mountains approach almost to the water line — it is expensive to build hotels in such conditions.
A real oasis of the Black Sea region can be called a small part of the coast from the Bosphorus to the Bulgarian border. There are expensive hotels and snow-white beaches. But the guests do not like this place too much, because due to the proximity of Istanbul, the beaches there are crowded all season.
For Turks, the Black Sea coast of the country is a traditional port coast. There are large commercial ports with a huge cargo turnover. Is it worth going to these shores at all if there is an opportunity to once again relax in Bodrum or Kemer?
If you have already appreciated the beaches of the Mediterranean, Marmara and Aegean Seas, then you can visit the Black Sea. Not just for a change. This region, unattractive for beachgoers, is a real paradise for connoisseurs of historical monuments and natural beauty.
The natural environment of the northern part of Turkey has been less affected by human activity. The mountains, forests, rivers and lakes there are clean and picturesque, but there are no crowds of tourists. Summer in these parts is very similar to ours, without the scorching heat, so the rest is perfect for everyone who can not stand the stuffiness. Along the coast there are ancient fortresses, majestic mosques, ancient tombs and ancient ruins. As for prices, they are much more democratic there than in the south.
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