Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Categories: Social Networks | Society | World

The heroes of their photos are used to humiliating others, cheerfully and carelessly shooting everything on the phone and posting the results on social networks. Until the last moment, it was not clear whether to publish such a selection on the site… After all, someone's rights are infringed on in every picture.

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

What could be more beautiful than the meeting of a sadist and a masochist?

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Surprisingly, many girls like this attitude 

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Many ladies have been looking for their brutal machos all their lives

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

And sometimes it's the other way around

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

These guys specifically fell under female influence

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

And sometimes these triangles happen

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

The gym is the best place for various kinds of humiliations

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

There is such an expression in English as "no pain, no gain". If translated literally, it turns out something like "no pain— no growth"

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

But sometimes such "bdsm" in a fitness club is simply meaningless

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

In the animal world, dominance is also all right

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Which of the brothers is stronger - the one from above

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

The look of the cat says a lot

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

Some girls gather in groups for the sake of power and passion for submission

Rule, dominate, humiliate: 15 photos in which rights are infringed

There are men who strive to harshly troll their women

Dominate, dominate, humiliate

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