Why don't gypsies wear trousers

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

Categories: Fashion | Nations

Each of us saw gypsies on the streets of the city. Most often, these are women of different ages, dressed in wide long skirts of bright colors, at any time of the year. They go to both teenagers and adult women. Few people think why the representatives of this people are so conservative in their choice of clothes and never wear trousers.

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

Gypsies strictly honor the ancient traditions of their people. There are a lot of them and they regulate all spheres of their life. One of the rules prohibits married women from wearing trousers. But before marriage, this restriction does not apply. But why then do we not meet teenagers in trousers and jeans?

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

Everything is very simple - it is customary for gypsies to get married very early, at 13-14 years old. Therefore, most of the teenage girls we see on the street are already married. After the start of family life, gypsies cannot wear things that look like men's. The husband is the first to enforce the ban.

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

For a gypsy woman, a spouse is an indisputable authority, even if he is unloved, and the marriage was organized by relatives. The husband occupies the main place in the family hierarchy, and women are obliged to obey him. If a married gypsy woman wears trousers, then by doing so she will show disrespect to her man and his family. The consequences can be serious - from severe censure, then serious beatings.

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

However, it is very rare to see younger girls in trousers. Why rarely? It's simple - as always, children take an example from adults and try to be like them. Wearing clothes similar to men's is considered indecent and strange among gypsies. It's like a man walking around in high heels or women's makeup.

But miniskirts are strictly prohibited at any age. The demonstration of naked female legs is considered by the gypsies as a shame and an insult to their compatriots. Representatives of this people believe that everything below the belt is a vicious part of the body that must be carefully hidden. It is for this reason that the skirts of gypsies are very long, to the very ground.

Why don't gypsies wear trousers

As for the style of gypsy skirts, it is easy to see that they are almost always puffy and multi-layered. This is also a tribute to tradition. Once upon a time, several skirts worn one over the other were worn by women from poor families. This, too, was a rule to be observed. Today it does not work, but many still adhere to it, paying tribute to old traditions.

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