Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

If you have ever been on a diet, then you probably noticed how after a long reduction in diet and weight loss, the weight returns to the previous mark again. In the worst case, it becomes even more than it was before the start of the diet.

Why weight returns after a diet and how to get rid of extra pounds once and for all, experts told.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

The answer to this question is almost obvious. Any dietary restrictions can have unpleasant consequences for the body. Even if we are talking about giving up sweets and flour. It is better to eat in moderation and not limit yourself to "goodies". Of course, if it is not prohibited for health reasons.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

What will happen if you abruptly abandon all "harmful" foods and go on a low-calorie diet? First, you will feel exhausted, irritated and exhausted. This will be the natural reaction of the body. Secondly, with any, even a slight deviation from the regime, a sense of guilt, self-condemnation and a desire to quit everything may appear.

But even if you successfully go through all the stages of bargaining and acceptance, and eventually lose weight, this does not guarantee a long-term result.

One might assume that the main reason for weight gain is a return to old habits. Having lost weight, a person "relaxes", and understands that it is already possible not to limit yourself so much in nutrition. As a result, "harmful" foods gradually return to the diet, and with them the hated extra pounds. Everything seems to be logical, but the real reason for weight gain lies in something else entirely.

Scientists from the Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found out who is really to blame for weight loss. Spoiler alert: it's not you.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

Intestinal bacteria — lactobacilli - are responsible for this process. They increase the level of lipid absorption in the intestine, and this in turn leads to a rapid increase in the fat layer in the body.

Experts came to such conclusions after experiments on mice: the animals were divided into groups, and each was fed according to a certain diet. In total, 10 different types of food were tested. And, it should be noted, the subjects really lost weight.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

However, when the animals began to be fed in the same mode, the weight abruptly returned, to some — in excess. The mechanisms of accumulation of fat reserves just started. "Who" is to blame for this, you already know. But what to do to avoid this?

The simplest recommendation is as follows: no need to go on a grueling diet, lose weight slowly but effectively. However, if you still want to get rid of extra pounds as soon as possible, after the "exit" from the diet, follow a few simple rules.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

Increase the energy value of the diet gradually, not abruptly. It will be enough to increase the calorie content by 200 kcal per week and at the same time monitor the dynamics of body changes. It is necessary to achieve a balance: so that the feeling of hunger disappears, and the weight remains in place.

Add more protein foods to your diet. Firstly, it saturates well and you will not want to "intercept" something during the day. Secondly, according to the research of scientists, a protein diet prevents the rapid accumulation of adipose tissue in the body.

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

Here's what else nutritionists recommend to preserve the results of weight loss:

Physical activity will also benefit. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout in the gym. It will be enough to do simple home exercises, often walk, run, exercise or do yoga / Pilates.

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