What the world looks like through the eyes of the colorblind
Categories: Health and Medicine | Science
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/what-the-world-looks-like-through-the-eyes-of-the-colorblind.htmlHave you ever wondered how to see the world people with color blindness or color blindness? Despite the name, color blindness, it does not mean that people with color blindness see the world in black and white. 99% of color blind people see colors, but not all. There are several types of color blindness – deuteranopia, Protanopia, tritanopia and monochromate.
The Internet is a resource color-blindness.com that allows you to imagine how it feels wrong to see color or not see them at all. Despite the name, color blindness, or color blindness, does not imply automatically that the person sees the world in black and white. In fact, more than 99% of all people with color blindness can see colors. That is why the term "color vision deficiency" is more correct.
According color-blindness.com about 0.5% of women (one in 200) and 8% of men (12) deficiency of color vision in one form or another. There are several variants of color vision deficiency, including deuteranomaly in which all looks a bit faded, Protanopia, in which all seems a bit greenish, and tritanopia, in which everything is seen in a greenish-pink. And only about 0,00003% of the population suffers from monochromatism, that is the real color blind when it's all black and white.
Look like different colors for a person with normal vision.
The most common type of color vision deficiency is deuteranomaly. About 4.63% of men and 0.36% of women suffer from this form of the disorder, and many of them do not even know it. People with deuteranomaly see more faded palette of colors, especially shades of green.
When a person Protanopia (red blindness color), all shades of green and red look rather dull and yellow and blue — with almost no distortion. This type of color vision deficiency affects about 1% of men.
People with tritanopia see the world in green or pink due to the lack in the retina pigment responsible for the blue color recognition. This is a very rare form of color blindness, which affects only 0,0001% of men and women.
Absolute color blindness, or monochromatism is the rarest form of color blindness. These people see everything in black and white, but it is believed that only 0,00003% of the world population are affected.
Keywords: Science | Health and medicine | Colors | Sight | Feelings | Violation
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