Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Categories: Ecology

The white race is under threat of extinction, global climate change threatens all of humanity, and corporations have too much power over people. These ideas prompted the terrorist Brenton of Torrent to make a massacre in new Zealand of the mosque and practiced the same Patrick Crusius shot in Texas 20. People with such ideas are called ecofascists and unfortunately, in a world of many. Where are the origins of ecofascism and why his supporters are ready to take up arms?

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Ecofascism is a subculture firmly entrenched in the Internet. It has been a long time, but especially powerful impetus to the movement has received in connection with the epidemic COVID-19. His supporters rejoice in the deaths from the coronavirus seriously and expect a associated with the pandemic end of the world.

This tweet became the most popular in the English-speaking segment of Twitter in March 2020, he to collect more than 300 thousand likes and 71 thousand retweets. It was followed by other users rejoiced clean water in the canals of Venice and shared the news about wild animals, which began to appear in places where they've never seen before.

All these enthusiastic discussion is just another trend of social networks. But in the world there are organizations and the whole international movement, is seriously calling to reduce the population of our planet in order to restore its ecology. These people believe that the epidemic of the coronavirus will help naturally clean from the people and return to the world the long-lost balance.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Once the word "ecofascism" was a common curse word, and completely versatile. Left-wing environmental activists branded them non-socialist environmental movement, and conservative conservationists have called them radical environmental activists.

But everything changed radically in March 2019, when the Aussie Brenton torrent shot more than 50 people in the mosque in the new Zealand city of Christchurch. Before you start shooting, who the killer was broadcast live, he sent in edition of 7 major publications 74-page opus that he called a Manifesto.The main idea of the Manifesto Brenton was the theory of displacement of people of the white race worldwide and the seizure of immigrants from Asia and Africa territories always belonged to the Europeans. Torrent called himself ecofascists and called to establish on Earth a special "ethnic and natural autonomy" for the different peoples and races.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Brenton Tarren in court

Less than six months later, the world was shaken by the attack of the 21-year-old American Patrick Crusius at Walmart shopping center in Texas city El Paso. He also published his Manifesto, which, however, was much less than the work of the new Zealand arrow. Crusius wrote that modern American society consumes too much and produces destroying nature.

So as to re-educate people has not come out, Patrick Crusius suggested to simply destroy. The blame for what is happening a young man laid on the corrupt politicians of the Democratic party, which were bought by corporations to defend their interests. Besides, the party promotes an increase in the influx of immigrants, primarily from Latin America.

Thus, Crusius explained why his targets were exactly the Hispanic. In the shooting at the Mall in El Paso 22 people are killed and 26 were injured. We should also mention that in the English-speaking right-wing circles no Torrent or Krusius not perceived as fighters for the triumph of the white times, and the salvation of nature.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Patrick Crusius

First and foremost, their bloody acts were ignored because both did not bring charges against Jews that are traditionally considered key figures in the most popular conspiracy theories. But despite this, these two killers were considered to be important elements of subculture, the growing popularity of which has been in 2018.

Ecofascism cannot be called a mass movement, so it is a long time did not pay any attention. Talking about it only after the stock "white" terrorism in New Zealand and the United States. But were the idols of the supporters of this ideology before. One of them is considered to be Theodore Kaczynski, American terrorist, known under the alias Unabomber.

Kaczynski, a talented mathematician who received his doctorate in 25 years, since childhood, was obsessed with the idea of returning humanity to a pre-industrial way of life. The Unabomber argued that the development of technology will inevitably lead to increased influence of society on the life of each human being and, consequently, to the loss of people important to them freedoms.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Theodore Kaczynski (The Unabomber)

Leaving a prestigious professorship at UC Berkeley, Kaczynski moved to a secluded forest cabin. There he for some time lived far from civilization, yet near his house not begun to lay a new road. It is considered that this event had exhausted the last drop of patience of the scientist and forced him to move from theory to radical action.

However, it is believed that the confrontation with society, Kaczynski cited the fact that he was an unwitting participant in a government experiment "MK-Ultra" associated with the manipulation of human consciousness, which has long been considered an invention. Whatever it was, but Theodore Kaczynski went off the rails and started to email self-made bombs.

The main targets of the Unabomber were universities and airports, as well as politics lobbying the interests of large corporations. From the environmental terrorist bombs killed three people and 23 more got wounds of different severity. 17 years Kaczynski managed to successfully hide from the FBI and an operation for his capture is considered the most expensive in the history of US intelligence.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

The Unabomber outside his secluded forest home

Unknown, could the Unabomber the feds without the help of his brother David, who learned the letters of the terrorist the style and ideas of Theodore. The main Manifesto of the Unabomber has become a large-scale work, "Industrial society and its future". In it, Kaczynski denounced the globalists and, among other things, were accused of criminal inactivity of left-wing activists.

This job was reading the Unabomber and Anders Breivik, responsible for the massacre in 2011 in Norway. Currently, Kaczynski is serving a life sentence in the United States, and a student of Breivik — 21 years in prison, the maximum possible under Norwegian law.

The Unabomber in ecofascists circles are respectfully known as "uncle Ted" and is considered one of the pillars of the movement. Fortunately, these profound adepts of the movement in the world and the majority of ecofascists limited by share monotonous and very primitive posters and proclamations.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Anders Breivik in court

For propaganda of this movement characteristic species of unspoiled nature, picturesque ruins on the background of forests and mountains, Nordic runes and images emphasized masculine and feminine character with a weapon or surrounded by wild animals.Ekofashisty argue that modern civilized society has perverted the very nature of man, turning him from a subsistence economy to the lifestyle of predatory and irresponsible consumer, destroying nature. Here is added clevernet ideas of equality, tolerance and multiculturalism, destroying the traditional values of the peoples of Europe.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

In a premium green-brown Greta Thunberg

Like Kaczynski, ekofashisty urge mankind to return to the way of life typical of the nineteenth century. In their rhetoric they don't forget to constantly mention the foreigners that have a "corrosive effect" on the white race.

This idea underlies the "principle of the lifeboat" offered another ideologist of ecofascism — Finnish "deep ecologist" Kaarlo petty Linkology. To save our planet this thinker is collected using eugenics, genocide and totalitarian regime. The main purpose — all the same the return of mankind to the pre-industrial era.

All the achievements of the last century — nuclear energy, space travel, digital technology and much more Linkola considered unnecessary and dangerous. In one of his works Finn so he formulated his ideas:

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Here is "good with his fists", which in the world every day becomes more and more supporters. Under the boat a theorist and his supporters understand the "ancestral lands of the white man", which in any case can not let the "extra passengers" by which is meant migrants from poor countries.

Migrants thus often compared to invasive species that are introduced into the closed ecosystem from other regions and multiply, beginning to threaten native species with extinction. One of the most popular slogans of the green-brown was the "Save the bees, not refugees!" which means "Save the bees, and not refugees."Tellingly, his right to certain lands ekofashisty explain quite messy, in terms of generalities about the mystical connection of people and his native land. Most often the pictures in the communities of green and brown appears Norse rune Algiz, which runlog occultist Guido von list once called the "rune of life".

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Rune Of Algiz

This sign in the Third Reich was a symbol of the "Lebensborn" responsible for the liberation of the Nazi-occupied territories from women and children, the appearance of which did not fit into the standards of the Aryan race. Task "Lebensborn" was the generation of a new generation of Germans, who had to settle in the fertile "Libensraum" — a space dedicated to the life and prosperity of the Aryans.

The Nazis believed that the right to lands seized in the course of military operations, they have by right of genetic superiority over the peoples who inhabit them. That is why Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich have become important ideals for the supporters of ecofascism.

This approach allows you to declare the United States dedicated space for life white Americans, and the rest of the population to declare a "nedolyudmi" and to expel or even destroy. It is worth noting that among ecofascists a lot of vegetarians in this they imitate Hitler, who, as you know, not eating meat because of their beliefs.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

It is often possible to hear Nazi Germany gives the example as the first country in the world where began to pay attention to animal rights and restricted use of chemical fertilizers. However, regarding the second argument, many experts ready to argue.

It is well known that Germany could not cope with the fertilizer on their own, as was spending all the resources on the military-industrial complex. The import of such products from other countries was not possible due to the economic blockade caused by the war with most of the planet.

Now ekofashisty do not hesitate to Express his joy due to the fact that the coronavirus causes the highest mortality in the migrant population belonging to non-white populations. They call for special ecological terror, which is the unauthorized planting of trees and acts of sabotage on power lines and industrial plants.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Sometimes you can hear the calls for more radical action in the style of "uncle Ted". Green-brown desire the death of members of national and sexual minorities, and the officials involved, in their opinion, to the destruction of the environment.

But frankly extremist materials in groups of ecofascists you can find more peace publications, for example, about survival in the wild, about natural agriculture, the criticism of mass slaughter and even cartoons on environmental and political topics. Blame for all the troubles, of course, recognized by the capitalists and, of course, the Jews.

In connection with the pandemic COVID-19 in the works of ecofashion has a new original genre — in the community started to upload photos of armed and well equipped men with the flags of the movement and specific banners. Thus, green-brown give all to understand that the time has come and it is time to unite the paramilitary groups for guerrilla warfare.

Who are ecotality and why they want us dead

Finally it is worth noting that even if such "partisans" to take any actions of their business in advance can be called a loser. Despite the fact that supporters of ecofascism are increasing, they do not influence the course of history. These people are going to fight against the world and against progress, and therefore doomed to failure. They can only dream about returning to the era of the plow and paddle, as well as publish pictures with the calls which are unlikely to be heard.

Ekofashisty revered not only the Unabomber but also several other famous hermits who exchanged civilization for a communion with nature. Most of them are people with strong beliefs that have nothing to do with violence, or outright freaks.

Keywords: Breivik | Hitler | Global warming | Coronavirus | Nazis | Shootings | Terrorists | Fascism

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