What would Wednesday look like if it were a cartoon?

What would Wednesday look like if it were a cartoon?

Categories: Art | Celebrities | Design and Architecture | People | Photo project | World

Artist Albert Victoria drew moments from the TV series "Wednesday" in the style of a cartoon. It turned out very atmospheric and matched the general vibe of the series and director Tim Burton.

In the caption to the drawings, he explained what inspired him to work: “I was obviously inspired by the original work of Charles Addams and Edward Gorey. If there was a fiction book about the series, that's how I would present its illustrations and atmosphere.


What would Wednesday look like if it were a cartoon?


What would Wednesday look like if it were a cartoon?


What would Wednesday look like if it were a cartoon?


Keywords: Design | Illustrations | Wednesday | Film characters | Cinema | Movies | TV series | Artist | Digital artist | Digital art

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