What is meaning, or Unromantic Robinson Crusoe, which punished the sailors instead of death
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/what-is-meaning-or-unromantic-robinson-crusoe-which-punished-the-sailors-instead-of-death.htmlSince time immemorial many peoples banishment was a popular punishment. Man is a social being and the deprivation of society like themselves is seen by many as a death sentence. The offender is not only deprived of social support, the possibility to communicate with relatives, friends and tribesmen, but were one-on-one with many hazards that previously he was not scared. This method of punishment, which appeared in ancient times, adopted the sailors and the seeming humanity, he evoked a genuine horror.
Already in the middle Ages, when civilization was well-developed, and the people on Earth abound, the expulsion was effective only in remote isolated areas. But for sailors it still made sense, because they have been in places where to avoid isolation was sometimes more difficult than in the vast desert.
Landing on a desert island or distant from civilization, the shore was considered to be a humane punishment, as the man had some chances to get back into society. But, thanks to the sea the specifics of this Kara differed little from hanging, drowning or pulling under the keel.
The man is usually planted not really choosing a place on the first available plot of land. It could be a Paradise deserted island in the Pacific, or barely speaking over the icy waves in the rush of bare rock in the North Atlantic. Therefore, humanity was rather conventional and much depended on the will of the captain. The convict could receive a supply of provisions, weapons, and gunpowder, but often a fugitive was the Bible and the tube with tobacco.
The punishment of landing on a deserted island called meaning, from "Maron" — a runaway slave. The first so punished runaway slaves, and later this experience was adopted by the pirates. But this does not mean that the "educational measure" was practiced only pirates to maralinga, without any doubt, resorted sailors and even captains of the civil courts.
About man, abandoned to their fate on a piece of land in the joke said "became Governor of the island", but the poor fellow was not joking. For most this landing meant a slow and painful death from hunger, cold, thirst, teeth of predators or the hands of savages. Often on the island left a pistol or musket with a single charge to a desperate loner could commit suicide when his life becomes unbearable.
Among the sailors was dominated by illiterate people, many of whom are recruited or lured on Board the port recruiters. Chances of survival on the island, away from the restaurants, shops and other benefits of such a "sea wolf" was nothing more than a modern inhabitant of a large city, growing up "on the balcony".
However, there are many stories about the successful outcome for the left on uninhabited Islands. Best known as "Governor island" in history was Alexander Selkirk, immortalized by English novelist of the 18th century Daniel Defoe in Robinson Crusoe. The Selkirk was not a criminal — he is the captain of the ship "Sank since," Lieutenant Strading, I had to ditch because of its bad temper.
Boatswain Selkirk tired of all their constant lamentations about the poor state of the vessel, which, in the opinion of many, could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. According to some information, Alexander himself rashly demanded to drop him on shore, during one of the conflicts. The captain didn't tell the Bosun to come to their senses and grumpy marooned on a desert island of Mas-a-Tierra, located 700 km West of the coast of Chile.
In complete isolation from society sailor spent 4 years and was rescued by the privateer ships of the expedition of captain woods Rogers, who were the Spanish courts. I should add that Selkirk was not so wrong, when from morning to night grumbled and pointed to the shortcomings of their vessel. Very soon the ship "Sank then" sank with all hands during a modest storm. So the punishment for the boatswain Selkirk turned into salvation, and the world received a wonderful novel about the power of the human spirit.
Known cases when on the island were planted nuisance to the team captain. This happened with the famous pirate Edward England. It, along with two helpers, pirates marooned on an island in the Indian ocean. England and his associates not only not disappeared, but were able to save themselves.
Sometimes lovers maralinga was punished by law. It happened with the captain of the Royal Navy of Britain by Warwick Lake, landed on a desert island in the Caribbean sea is one of my guilty sailors named Robert Jeffrey. Punished not long suffered from loneliness, but it was soon rescued by a passing American merchants.
Jeffrey decided not to leave the case and return to Britain sued former commander in the Maritime court. Officials of the Admiralty considered the matter and made a sensational verdict, to recognize rootless injured sailor, and the captain of the lake of shame to dismiss from the Royal Navy for the brutality and arbitrariness. But this story is the exception rather the rule, as the captain was nearly always right, and could dispose of the fate of the team members at their discretion.
Landing of Margaret and her companions to the island of the Demon
Marguerite was a victim of his relative de Roberval, with whom traveled from France to the colony. De Roberval, appointed Governor of New France and EN route to his new possession, he accused the woman in a vicious love affair with one of the passengers of the ship. Many believe that the real reason for the landing of Marguerite, the island was banal greed and meanness noble relative. He had many debts and he wanted to seize the woman's property.
With Marguerite de La Rock on the wild Northern island was planted by her lover and a maid. But fate would have it, the woman in full drank the Cup of testing — her companions soon died of disease shortly afterwards, died and a child born to a woman on the island. She French noblewoman survived that somehow a miracle can not be named. The lady had to learn many tricks, ranging from the hunting of the beast, and ending with making fire.
Now the island of Demons called the Hospital and part of the group of Isles de La Demoiselle, which was named in honor of Marguerite. In our days, is not rich in attractions wooded islet, tourists can see the cave where, according to unconfirmed reports, whiled away the days waiting for help this strong woman.
Was your Robinson in the Russian Empire is the hussar cornet Sergey Lisitsyn, an amazing story which deserves a separate story.
Keywords: Penalty colony | The sailors | The island | Pirates | Robinson
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