What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema

When the Mexican series "the Rich also cry" was first released in Russia, it is not considered the rating and almost immediately was taken off the air. But in a short time trial show, the audience had fallen in love with kinonovell and threw "Ostankino" thousands of letters with disturbances and requests to return the series aired.

It is obvious that the success of the project led to the rising popularity of the actors who played leading roles in it. Some of them became so popular that they even had to make a choice between family and filming. What happened to the others and how they look now, see in our material.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

The actor made his debut on screen when he was 30 years old, but it was the TV series "the Rich also cry" made him really popular. For the life of Herr played in more than a hundred projects and continued acting up until 2013 — when he was 77 years old. Going to "retire", the man focused on the job at the theatre, and even started painting, sculpture, and began to lead acting classes for children and adults. By the way, sons Rogelio decided to go in his father's footsteps and also became actors.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

The last years of his life Guerra was seriously ill and on 28 February 2018 died from cardiac arrest. Next to him at this point were children and a devoted wife — Maribel Robles Rogelio. The woman was younger than your sweetheart for 25 years and they met when she was only 14! Guerra had already fallen in love with the girl, so he waited for her adulthood and made an offer hands and hearts. Since they were always together.

After the show career of Veronica Castro went sharply uphill. She regularly offers many roles, and most of the suggestions she agreed. Due to the busy schedule, women have not had time for a personal life. Besides free time, she devoted not to relaxation and development of their own business — Veronica's got a chain of beauty salons and private cosmetic line.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

And though she never came out, but she raised two sons, who now are as successful as their mother. Senior Christian (he is 43) — singer and composer, a youth idol. Younger (33 years old) is a famous actor, who never once called the most handsome man in Latin America.

Veronica once admitted that he had experienced true happiness only in the movies. But about your life choice she never regretted. Now Veronica lives with her mother in a posh house with servants, regular visits to the secular parties and continues to act in films.

Colorful Mama Chole was remembered to spectators beauty Marianne or Luis Alberto. Her role was played by Mexican actress Aurora Clavel Gallardo, which this summer will be 83 years old. Despite such an impressive age, the woman still appeared in films and lead an active social life.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

It should be noted that Aurora is really a good actress at the time, she was even invited to play in European and Hollywood films. But to viewers she is remembered for roles in the TV series "the Rich also cry" and "wild rose" is another popular series of the 90s.

Russian viewers actress Alicia Rodriguez fell in love even before the release of the TV series "the Rich also cry" — the woman played Maranello in the movie "Yesenia". After the release of the Mexican kinonovell its popularity grew. Alicia managed to play in more than 50 projects and received several awards.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

The last 30 years, Alicia focused on social activities. The woman — known activist for peace and has long been headed by the international Committee of the banner of peace, founded by philosopher and writer Nicholas Roerich. For his activities with Rodriguez even was nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

Rocío Banquells was famous even before the release of the TV series "the Rich also cry" due to other roles. The woman always said that acting for her is nothing more than just a hobby. Rocio is engaged in development of her musical career — she performs on stage, singing ballads and national songs, singing in operettas and often appears on television.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

The singer was married twice. Her first husband was Pedro Mendes. In marriage they spent five years and are the parents of daughter Pamela. Second marriage with businessman Jorge Berlanga, during which the actress was born the son of Jorge, lasted from 1985 to 2005.

Augusto Benedico, who played in the TV series "the Rich also cry" don Alberto, is considered one of the greatest actors of Mexican cinema. The man started acting in movies when it's in the country was in its infancy, and continued to do this until old age.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

The last project Benedico was the role in the TV series "Destinos", which was released in 1992. At that time the actor was 82. In the same year he died.

The actor, who played in the series the role of the son of the main character, became the object of adoration of girls from different countries. Guillermo began to appear in other popular projects including the TV series "wild rose". Here, he again played with his colleague Veronica Castro, this time, however, depicted not her son and lover.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

After leaving the series, the actor managed to appear in several films, but now it won't see on the screen. The man was married twice and both his marriages ended in divorce. Other details about the personal life of Capetillo not known.

Actress Edith gonzález, who played the role of marisabel', managed to light up in many bright projects. Despite a very busy schedule, she excelled not only in the field of cinema, but also participated in plays, was a chef, traveled a lot and have time to take care of a home.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

In 2016, Gonzalez was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Few years, the woman fought the disease, but on 13 June 2019 died. Her death was covered by many foreign media, including Russian.

Flor Procuna played in the series "the Rich also cry" the role of the evil stepmother, and this role can be said to have been for girls a ticket to a great movie. The producers liked it so much the game Progeny that they immediately began to offer her roles in other projects. Some of them brought the actress an unofficial title of brightest star in Mexican movies, but in 1990, the woman said that he wants to finish his career.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

After leaving the screens, Flor moved to a small village and finally ceased to lead a public life. Surprisingly, in 2006-2007, she again flashed in several projects, but since then never worked again.

Role in the series "the Rich also cry" has made Palmer one of the most popular actors in Mexican cinema. Work was done to the man stacks and continue to do so far, even despite his advanced age — 77 years. The latest project of the actor was the role in the TV series "Señora Acero" in 2014, where he appeared in three seasons.

What happened to the actors of the series "the Rich also cry"

As for his personal life, Palmer was twice married. The man is the son of Miguel, who has become an athlete, and a daughter Valeria, who has decided to follow in the footsteps of his father.

Keywords: Actors | Stars | Popular | Series | The fame | Then and now

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