What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

Categories: Asia | Travel

For a retail outlet to be in demand, it must be conveniently located, offer a wide range of goods and a decent level of service. Or be the only one in the area, so that buyers simply have no options. That's why the store in the Xinyuzhai National Geological Park in China's Hunan province is running successfully. It is located on a sheer cliff at an altitude of 120 meters, and its customers are rock climbers.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The store in Xinyuzhai Park has been called "the most inconvenient in the world." This is not an exaggeration, because not everyone can get to it. It is a small wooden booth attached to a rock. Its customers are extreme sports enthusiasts who climb steep surfaces to the top.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The selection in the store is small. These are food, soft drinks, batteries. There are also snacks there, for example, chips and other popular snacks. Goods are delivered to the house using ziplines - inclined cables along which the cargo moves on a special roller under its own weight.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The store does not have a warehouse, nor does it have a sales floor. Therefore, its reserves are very limited, and they have to be replenished very often. The prices in the establishment are hefty, which is not at all surprising.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The point is not even that goods need to be delivered to a high altitude. The seller is forced to climb the cliff and spend long hours in a small house made of boards. By the way, trading in the most inconvenient store in the world continues around the clock.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The store has been open for many years, but only climbers and park workers knew about it. A post from Twitter user Science Girl attracted attention to the unusual outlet. She posted a post on social media with photographs of this unusual place and talked about the peculiarities of its work.

What does the most inconvenient store in the world look like?

The publication of Science Girl caused a lively discussion among users. Some admired the resourcefulness of the owners and wished them prosperity. Others, on the contrary, believe that the store is just another attraction for tourists. In their opinion, you can buy something at such a height only to enjoy the exotic and take a selfie in front of the sign.

Although the store in the Chinese park is very unusual, it cannot be called unique. In the Rocky Mountains of the USA there was once another similar “stall” on a rock. True, this was an advertising campaign for a company that produces heavy-duty fabrics.

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