What do bodybuilders and Japanese women from Instagram have in common? Underwear one size smaller

What do bodybuilders and Japanese women from Instagram have in common? Underwear one size smaller

Categories: Asia | Fashion | Social Networks

In Japan, a new trend has emerged: girls wear miniature underwear. This way they emphasize the appetitiousness of their forms, because their breasts and buttocks seem to be ready to jump out of the underwear a size smaller in the next second. This idea of underwear manufacturers learned from bodybuilders.

What do bodybuilders and Japanese women from Instagram have in common? Underwear one size smaller

Newfangled underwear differs from the usual miniature size. The bras and panties promoted by Predator Rat barely cover a woman's breasts and buttocks. The cost of panties of this brand is one and a half thousand rubles, and a miniature bra can be bought for two thousand rubles.

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Jan 27, 2018 at 2: 08 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

The design house, which has introduced underwear made to new standards to the market, actively promotes its products through social networks. Photos of actually naked models collect a lot of likes, however, users doubt the practicality of such an outfit for everyday wear.

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Jan 27, 2018 at 2: 10 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

And if you can still somehow adapt to small panties, then what to do with a mini-bra is generally unclear.

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Nov 11, 2017 at 5: 25 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Japanese trends always shock us a little.

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Dec 4, 2017 at 5: 08 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Dec 9, 2017 at 5: 40 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Jan 8, 2018 at 3: 15 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Dec 29, 2017 at 4: 44 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing) Dec 29, 2017 at 7: 44 pm PST

Post by Predatorrat (@predatorratclothing)

Keywords: Asia | Japan | Girls | Fashion | Lingerie | Underwear | Size | Trend | Social networks

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