Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

Categories: Animals | Positive

Have you ever tried washing a cat? If so, you know that the result of this action can be completely unpredictable. You took a stubborn, but cute fluffy with you to the bathroom, and you took out... something. And it is insulted to the core!

Here are eight cats before and after taking a bath.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

Soon the owner's slippers will become wet.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

At a loss.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

A real brutal cat is not afraid of water.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

The revenge will be long.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

Call an exorcist.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

I wish you hadn't done that.

Washed and insulted: 8 cats who took a bath

What's happening?

Oh, those eyes.

Keywords: Animals | Cats | Positive | Bath

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