Very strange family photos with pets
Categories: Animals | Positive
By Pictolic a pet is a special experience that hardly compares to anything. They love us with unconditional love, surround us with attention, thanks to them we live longer. What could be strange about a pet? Well... nothing. In fact, if anyone is strange, it's people.
People adore their pets, but we must admit that sometimes this love goes beyond all bounds. For example, some owners give their pets a middle name (or patronymic), arrange luxurious birthday parties for them and knit Christmas sweaters to match the clothes of the rest of the family.
Animals value our company the most. And we love them because, in exchange for these simple pleasures, they allow us to be as strange as possible.
(20 photos in total)
Source: Vintage Everyday
Keywords: Pets | Absurdity | Family portrait | Family | Humor
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