Vandal knocked over a monument to a Croatian anti-fascist: karma overtook instantly

Vandal knocked over a monument to a Croatian anti-fascist: karma overtook instantly

Categories: Europe

The story of the "Bronze Horseman", known to everyone from school, unexpectedly received a modern interpretation in the Croatian town of Bacvice, a suburb of the famous resort of Split. The monument to the anti-fascist hero Rada Konchar cruelly took revenge on the offender who dumped him out of hooligan motives.

Vandal knocked over a monument to a Croatian anti-fascist: karma overtook instantly Source: The Guardian

It is difficult to say what prompted the 65-year-old Croat to come to the monument to the People's Hero of Yugoslavia Rada Konchar on November 7, but the purpose of the visit was clearly not the laying of flowers. Out of boredom, for political reasons or out of senile mischief, a citizen decided at all costs to destroy a monument that has been decorating one of the streets of the city for more than 50 years.

Since the bust on a high granite pedestal was installed in the distant socialist era, when only monuments were made on conscience, it was impossible to take it with bare hands. Unable to overturn the monument immediately, the elderly Croat rested his whole body against it and began to rock. In this case, the result was not long in coming, and the bust of the hero fell.

Vandal knocked over a monument to a Croatian anti-fascist: karma overtook instantly

In A.S. Pushkin's poem about the impudent Eugene, who was rude to the monument to Tsar Peter, the Bronze Horseman chases the rude man, but does not overtake him. Payback comes to the hero later, in the form of death from fear. The bust of Rada Koncharu turned out to be more radical — having neither a horse nor legs to follow the offender through the narrow streets of old Bachvice, he simply collapsed on the vandal's feet, qualitatively breaking one of them.

Rada Konchar still can't be taken with his bare hands

The seriously injured brawler was urgently taken to one of the clinics in Split, where it was determined that the anti-fascist Rada worked flawlessly as always, seriously crushing the attacker's bone. Now the hapless fighter with the communist legacy will need a serious operation and a long rehabilitation.

Vandal knocked over a monument to a Croatian anti-fascist: karma overtook instantly

But the man should not worry too much, since in the near future he will have to sit more than run. Split police immediately responded to the ugly prank and opened a criminal case against the vandal. Most likely, grandfather will have to move from the hospital bed to the prison bunks for a while.

Keywords: Bust | Vandalism | Monument | Croatia

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