Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

Although it is incorrect that sounds, but for most people in Western countries all Asians look the same. To little to defend himself, I must say that all Europeans to the inhabitants of the countries of the far East region is also similar to each other. But we don't want to keep it that way and prepared a manual for those who want to distinguish Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

No matter how it looks externally, the people of Japan, Korea and China, each of these Nations has its own mentality and its inherent behaviors. All three of these Asian cultures attach great importance to the bows, but the bow differently.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

The Koreans and Japanese during the meeting and at official meetings bow very carefully and deeply. Careless nod from the representatives of these peoples is considered a sign of bad taste and a sign of contempt for the man. But the Chinese, the former more spices into a bow, over the years of the Communist regime almost forgotten how to bow, and just nod when meeting head. The younger generation does prefer the usual handshake.

It is known that the man clothes make the man. It is therefore logical to attempt to determine the nationality of the inhabitants of Asia in his wardrobe. Stylish clothes, bright makeup, painted in bright colors the hair is peculiar to people in South Korea. The Chinese and Japanese, as a rule, are more modest.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

Of course, in China and in Japan many fashionable young people, which prefers a catchy and even provocative style, but we're talking about the similarities inherent in the people. The Japanese prefer a strict, business-like style and plain things, tasteful. This is due not least to the fact that the inhabitants of the Country of the rising sun too committed to their work and are unable to move away from the dress code even in your free time.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

As for the Chinese, they dress up now as the majority of inhabitants of European countries. There is a small caveat – Chinese women for some reason have a particular fondness for the color pink, and at any age. They are not afraid to look ridiculous in their glamorous coats and bright tights and not particularly worried about the impression produced on those who are "not subject".

Difficult to distinguish between the people of Asian countries face and this part of our instruction is designed for "advanced". Koreans prefer thin eyebrows, although fashion has a tendency to change and hope for this feature is especially not worth it. Korean women light skin, which they thoroughly bleached his famous cosmetics and maximized at the expense makeup, lenses, and sometimes plastic eyes.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

The Koreans are very popular plastic surgery and changing the appearance surgically nobody sees anything wrong with. That is why among women in South Korea, most of the owners of the ideal, "anime" individuals, small noses and lips into a bow.

Japanese women have small facial features, dark hair, and prefer not to paint, and white skin. Blonde Japanese tan to black is representative of the subculture Garu which, incidentally, are among Koreans. A typical Japanese woman struggling to achieve white skin, resorting to expensive tools and complex procedures.

Tutorial: how to distinguish from each other the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese

As for the Chinese, then they were all difficult. China is a vast country with many ethnic groups, which look very different. We can only say that the Chinese living in the Northern part of the country, usually light-skinned and tall. Southerners, on the contrary, a short, slim and dark-skinned.

Keywords: Korea | Asia | Clothes | Chinese | Face | Japanese | Behavior | Asians

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