Traditional wedding dresses around the world

Traditional wedding dresses around the world

Categories: Fashion | Nations

The white dress became fashionable and became an integral symbol of the wedding ceremony only in the XIX century thanks to Queen Victoria. She became the first woman to wear a white dress for her wedding. Until this momentous moment, women chose an outfit that corresponded to the fashion of that era. 

Traditional wedding dresses around the world

Nowadays, it is rare to see a bride in something not white. However, among some peoples, especially in Asia and Africa, young people prefer a national wedding costume. 

Posted by Lan Phan (@lanphantastic) on Jun 1, 2016 at 6: 49 pm PDT

In Japan, the bride often wears two or more dresses — white and red colors-throughout the ceremony.

A pho­to post­ed by Aki­boat Impres­sions (@akiboatimpressions) on May 18, 2016 at 3:55pm PDT

Traditional Ghanaian weddings are very bright and colorful. The national wedding dress comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Each family has its own pattern.

A pho­to post­ed by on Nov 19, 2015 at 6:04am PST

A pho­to post­ed by on

Today, most Romanian newlyweds prefer to marry in modern-style clothes. However, traditional ceremonies are still held in remote parts of the country. Each region has its own wedding dress. 

Posted by Akila Amunugama (@aki_amz) on Apr 18, 2016 at 6: 50 PDT

The bride is usually the center of attention at the wedding. However, if you find yourself at a traditional wedding in Sri Lanka, you will not be able to take your eyes off the groom.

A post by Rani in Silk (@rani_in_silk) on Jul 2, 2016 at 9: 29 PDT

In Indian culture, brides traditionally wear a red or pink wedding dress. In the northern regions, a married woman wears a bindi (red dot) on her forehead.

A pho­to post­ed by JESSICA OH (@im_jessica_oh) on Apr 24, 2016 at 11:11am PDT

In Scotland, the groom traditionally wears the kilt of his clan. After the ceremony, he throws a handkerchief with the flowers of his clan on the shoulders of the young wife to mark her entry into a new family.

A pho­to post­ed by Her Big Day | Wed­ding Plat­form (@herbigdayllc) on Mar 18, 2016 at 5:23pm PDT

Ethiopia is the only country in Africa where Christianity is the official religion. Most Ethiopians belong to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. That is why their weddings are very similar to Greek and Russian ones.

A pho­to post­ed by Paullu­ap (@paultenyom) on Sep 17, 2015 at 9:28pm PDT

Indonesian weddings vary depending on the island. This small country has more than 300 ethnic groups and six religions, so it is literally permeated with diverse cultural traditions.

The Per­fect Moment.… Styled by @graceandlacemaui thanks for the tag!!! #wed­ding­pho­tog­ra­phy #wed­dingstyle #hawai­i­wed­dings #styl­ish­bride #wed­din­gin­spi­ra­tion #bride #beach­bride #wedin­spi­ra­tion #des­ti­na­tion­wed­ding

A pho­to post­ed by Cham­pagne and Cake (@champagneandcake) on Jul 7, 2016 at 10:57am PDT

At a traditional Hawaiian wedding, the groom is dressed in all white. Also, no wedding is complete without flower garlands. Brides often decorate their hair with fresh flowers. 

A post by "Bringing Joy of Goodness" (@photoplays) on Jul 8, 2016 at 5: 19 PDT

Most of the wedding ceremonies are held according to Muslim traditions. Brides choose dresses in purple, purple or cream colors. 

A pho­to post­ed by hel­lo sonia (@hellosonia) on May 29, 2016 at 11:30am PDT

Traditional weddings are gaining popularity again in the country. According to an ancient tradition, the groom should carry the bride around the table on his back. This means that a young wife can rely on her husband. 

A pho­to post­ed by nat­u­ralk­lasik­bali (@naturalklasikbali) on Mar 29, 2016 at 8:58pm PDT

A Balinese wedding will impress anyone with its luxury and splendor. A traditional wedding dress includes many complex details. And during the ceremony, the bride and groom wear golden crowns. 

Keywords: Wedding | Peoples | Fashion | Outfits | Traditions | Groom | Bride | Customs | Dress

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