Top 10 serials of March: "I'm not kidding" and "Unbreakable"
Categories: Cinema | Culture | World
By Pictolic not get lost in the variety of telenovelas, we have prepared for you a guide on the top 10 TV shows of March. Grab your calendar and mark rather a red marker to the release date, so do not miss it.
"The amazing Mrs. Meisel" gonna split! Here, the premiere of "I'm not kidding" — national series whose creators are trying to understand is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia a non-standard way.
The heroine is not a young girl, came to conquer the capital, and already held a working-class kaikessa, routinely serving in Moscow clubs. She is 49, she has two children and two ex-husband, and her life is nothing like stellar.
In short, the usual Russian woman, who does not hesitate to joke about the hard life on stage. So here is a belated response to the great "Louis."
The first spring premiere of TNT — Comedy procedural COP show about the old bill. The main highlight, I think, is to Pro-feminist tone of the story.
In the story of the chief of district police office Butovo Makarov for conflict with the authorities decide to punish unusual: it materu team disband, and it sent four graduates of the police Academy. All obviously different scenario tutorial: classy, light, strong and naive.
Makarov, however, hate everyone, but to work as it is necessary: girls with grief in half, fighting crime, simultaneously earning the respect of the head.
HBO Max is continuing to build a strong, soon on the platform will host the reboot of "Gossip girl", and you can enjoy a different story about the lives of teenagers.
The series with the vague title of "Generation" is, according to the authors, a collective portrait of contemporary high school students who are trying to determine sexual and gender identity. Sounds risky, so I wonder what the end result: a new hit or a failure. Six episodes will be released before the beginning of April, the eight remaining shows until the end of 2021.
The Network does not cease to joke that "Chikatilo" the eyes of Sarik Andreasyan is a preposterous joke. However, do not make premature conclusions, it is better to wait until the premiere to give the series a chance.
At least the trailer looks intriguing: it's so dynamic and intense licked Soviet surroundings and the unnamed actor in the role of Andrei Chikatilo — the most notorious serial killer in history.
Let's pretend that we don't know the actor, who plays the title role, so try to figure it out during the premiere.
For those who always complains about the lack of interesting ideas in the domestic series, go "Vampires of the middle band" is a bold attempt to cross the vampires, the history of Russia and our reality.
In Smolensk living a Horde of vampires, who don't hunt people, and even helps them, they can. Due to a series of suspicious murders involving blood sucking of the victims were peaceful life Smolensk vampires ends: from Moscow to come to the investigators who are ready to uncover the truth about the existence of vampires.
It looks much more interesting than it sounds: for example, the trailer, it seems that viewers will simultaneously Comedy and fantasy with the detective.
Marvel surprisingly successfully settled on small screens: 't have time "Landwijn" become the most discussed series of winter, and Disney+ is already preparing to release the second draft of kynoselen.
"The Falcon and the Winter soldier" is more familiar to fans of Marvel's history in "the Avengers: Finale" the title characters of the series trying to get used to life and new function (recall, the Falcon got Captain America's shield), but soon they will be together to fight a secret organization of anarchists.
Six episodes were worth $ 150 million, so cinematic action will be very much. However, the usual blockbuster series call will not work: the creators have promised to surprise the deconstruction of the genre, a buddy movie and quotes from classic films.
Gamers rage — in the universe of DOTA 2 announced anime.
The eight-serial of the first season tells about the adventures of a knight Davion, wandering the world to fight the forces of evil and help those in need.
The fateful meeting with Princess Mirinoi and old Eldora forces the hero to become a member of the campaign to save the world.
A year had passed, and on small screens have returned the second season of "the Land" is a new project from the Creator of "Rick and Morty" Justin Royland.
By the way, the series follows the adventures of a mad scientist and his naïve grandson is much less common, despite the extension of 70 episodes. "The other side of the Earth" — also mad the animated series, but about a family of aliens who are trying to survive in American society: children experiencing school bullying, and the aliens are older I miss the destroyed home planet and curse over all life on Earth.
"Cobra Kai" series sequel to the movie "the karate Kid" — proved that classic films from 30 years ago to successfully survive in the modern world. You do not need any remakes and reboot, parasitic on the heritage, but the same actors and a strong script that returns good old characters.
I want to believe that "Mighty ducks: the New rules" also succeeds among fans of the original films. At least, the plot seems intriguing and surprising unexpected twist: the Mighty ducks is now one of the coolest teenage hockey teams that could easily expel from membership any.
When put out 12-year-old Evan, his mother asks Gordon (Emilio Estevez from old movies) to create a new team and teach a lesson to the "ducks" who have forgotten their ideals.
An unusual view of superheroic from the Creator of "the Walking dead" by Robert Kirkman. "Invincible" — a film adaptation of his comic book series about ordinary high school student who at the 17 th birthday learns that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet.
The main character, meanwhile, are manifested superpowers, but he somehow feels insecure, afraid of living up to expectations of his father.
Just note that the series is worth watching with the original sound track, because the sound was attended by a huge number of stars of the first magnitude.
Keywords: Culture | Peace | March | Compilation | Movies | Top 10 | TV series
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