Top 10 reasons to have sex "for health"
Categories: Health and Medicine | World
By Pictolic about the intimate sphere of life, each means something different, personal. But few people realize that sex is not just a pastime but also an excellent medicine for some diseases. The healing effect is due to the natural reaction of the body to intimacy.
Having sex, we're not thinking about the many processes that run in our body. The list of diseases against which sex acts as a prevention and a cure.
Sex strengthens the immune system
Making love, we raise the level of immunoglobulins, which protect the body from infectious, respiratory diseases and, in the first place, from the flu.
Sex relieves women from migraine
The beautiful half of humanity often has a headache turns into a migraine. In this case, help regular sex. During orgasm, the female body produces endorphins and corticosteroids that help with pain is not worse than tablets.
Statistics confirm that women who regularly make love, have a stable menstrual cycle and painless menstruation.
Sex against excess weight
Scientists have found that every minute a pleasant proximity to the four burns calories. Because people who are sexually active, look slimmer.
Sex helps to maintain youthfulness
We all know that estrogen is the female hormone. But few have heard that he is responsible for youth and beauty beautiful ladies. Occupying the sex at least every other day, you will look much younger than many of his peers.Sex against urinary incontinence
Age age our body, not only outside but also inside. Older people often suffer from urinary incontinence, which is due to a lack of muscle tone of the pelvic floor. Sexual activity will save you from embarrassing embarrassment, because the sex is perfectly trains the muscles of the vagina and pelvis.
Sex replaces cardio
Many people are trying to escape from a heart attack on the treadmill. But not all have the strength of will to develop the habit of Jogging in the morning. Of course, people are more willing to be engaged sex, if I knew that the sexual activity lowers cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and heart.
Sex is a natural antidepressant
Rich stresses of life often plunges into depression. In a whirlwind of events and issues hard to find a reason for joy. To get rid of anxiety, depression, insomnia, do not have to take antidepressants. Sexual satisfaction is accompanied by the release of endorphins, which, in turn, improve mood, relieve anxiety.Sex as a cancer prevention
There is an opinion that cancers arise as a result of the failure of the immune system. For a healthy immune system, the body needs oxytocin and serotonin, often referred to as "sexual" hormones. Regular sex provides a proper level of these substances in the body.
Sex instead of antioxidants
For anybody not a secret that toxins and harmful substances regularly pollute the body. Nature has put into our bodies natural cleansing process of sex. Sexual activity improves blood circulation, allowing the body quickly freed from harmful substances.
Pretty good ten reasons to have sex as often as possible. The list was not included prevention of inflammation of the prostate gland, the normalization of thyroid function, the health of the skin, mouth, respiratory system. Of course, sex is not a panacea and, if a person suffers from any chronic illness, it would not be amiss to overcome awkwardness and to ask the appropriate question to your doctor. Love, sex and be healthy!
Keywords: Intimate life | The reason of sexual life | Top 10 | Facts
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