The work of a hairdresser and his working tools
Categories: World
By Pictolic Pivaral, a hairdresser whose salon is located in downtown Lake Worth, says: “I've been a hairdresser for five years and really enjoy my job. I don't feel at work. It feels like I'm just having fun every day. It's nice to be your own boss. This is a business that is always sustainable. People always need a haircut. People always strive to look good when going to an interview, or to a wedding, or on the eve of some important date. I would say that this business is immune to any recessions and downturns. After graduating from school, I worked as a builder. I can't say that I succeeded. I was just out of place."
(Total 29 photos)
I have an aunt who has been a hairdresser in California for almost twenty years. I also have a sister who is a hairdresser. It was they who suggested that I go through training and try myself as a hairdresser. I attended special courses for a year and I ended up falling in love with the profession.
One day, while walking here in the city center, I went into an antique shop in search of antique barber's tools. I wanted to start collecting. I discovered this barbershop, which had a lot of interesting tools on display in its window. I went in and asked the owner if he was willing to sell some of the items. He refused to sell tools, but suggested that I come to work for him, and then, perhaps, he would sell me his hairdressing salon. I worked for him for a year. He retired, gave me the barbershop, and now it's mine.”
I have quite a few regulars. You always enter into a certain relationship with your customers. You will learn a lot about them. They tell you their stories and complain about existing problems. You think that life is hard for you, but when you hear about other people's problems, you realize that everything is actually very good with you.
I have always liked art, and my work for me is art. In a business like mine, you never stop learning. People always want something new, something different, you always need to improve.. And the most interesting thing is that you can always use your imagination.” Hairdressing is a very ancient art. Razors have been discovered in Egypt among relics from the Bronze Age (c. 3500 BC). Shaving the head or face was not always voluntary, in England and other countries it was required by law. Hairdressing came to Rome from the Greek colonies in Sicily in 296 BC, and barbershops quickly became a popular center for daily news and gossip. The morning visit to "tonsor" became a part of everyday life, as important as visiting public baths, and the first shave of a young man (tonsura) was an integral part of the coming-of-age ceremony. Hairdressers-barbers of former times also performed the functions of surgeons and dentists. In addition to haircuts, hairdressing, and shaving, barbers performed surgeries, bloodletting, leeches, cupping, enemas, and tooth extractions. As a result, they were called barber-surgeons, and they created their first guild in 1094.
1. Jeffrey Pivaral Shear Kut in Lake Worth.
2. Specialized shaving soap was used in the past and is hardly used now,” says Pivaral. “This soap was supposed to be turned into shavings and dissolved in water, and then the resulting foam was applied with a special shaving brush. It smells very nice. Shaving brushes come in different shapes, different qualities and are made from different materials.”
3. "The blades that are now used in razors are actually halves of real blades."
4. “This brush is used to sweep cut hair off people's faces and shoulders. It also comes in different shapes, qualities and is made from different materials.”
5. "As a rule, all devices used for cutting are made in several sizes so that they are convenient to use and you can choose the right one."
6. “There are an incredible amount of scissors. I like scissors with short blades so that they can cut the hair behind the ears without any problems.
7. “There are also many combs. There are soft teeth, there are hard teeth, from different materials. Some are used for trimming.
8. An antique bottle of scalp lotion stands in the window of the Pivarala barbershop. “Barbers have been using lotions for a long time,” says the barber.
9. "A razor is used not only for shaving a beard, but also for cutting."
10. “The hair dryer is rarely used now, but some people like it.”
11. Pivaral at work.
12. “The shaving brush comes in different shapes and materials. She is either mixed with foam or applied to her face.
13. “There are special devices that can thin out hair. make them thinner and more airy.
14. Antique hair dryer.
15. Antique Remington razor.
16. “Hair clippers are very handy, but they wear out quickly.”
17. Blades.
18. "Customer chairs in the past were much less comfortable than they are now."
19. Bottles of ancient tonics and lotions on display in the window of the Pivaral barbershop.
20. Hair thinning device.
21. “The spray gun is used to wet the hair. Some prefer to cut wet hair, others don't mind cutting dry hair. I like cutting wet hair better, it's much easier that way."
22. Modern hairdressing chairs even have an ashtray, in the past they were less comfortable.
23. A variety of brushes and brushes.
24. Scissors are also different.
25. An antique mechanical massager is on display in the window of the Pivarala barbershop.
26. Clipper.
27. Antique hair dryer.
28. The combination of red and white in the coat of arms of the hairdressing guild meant, respectively, blood (barbers did bloodletting and operations) and a bandage.
29. A poster with all sorts of men's haircuts in the barbershop window. "The client can simply choose the one he likes best."
Keywords: Hair | Tools | Hairdresser
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