The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

Categories: Economy | Europe | World

History knows many examples when a person became rich without having a minimum starting capital. But among those who have made a fortune "from scratch", there are special rich people. These can be safely attributed to the Swedish vagabond Kurt Degerman, who became a millionaire, being at the very bottom of the social ladder. His life shows that everything is in our hands and that you can realize yourself in the most difficult conditions.

The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

Kurt Degerman was born into a wealthy family and did well in elementary school. He was predicted a great future, but the boy had serious psychological problems that put an end to everything. In high school, Kurt began to lead an asocial lifestyle. He clashed with teachers, parents and peers, ran away from home and repeatedly got into the police for hooliganism.

The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

It all ended with Degerman abandoning his studies, leaving his family and becoming a young vagabond. At first he was interrupted by odd jobs, but then he sank to the very bottom. He ate from dumpsters and made a living by collecting and selling empty beer cans. Other homeless people called him Tin Kan-Kurt, that is, Kurt - Tin. Degerman led this lifestyle for more than 40 years.

But Kurt was different from his fellows on the street. He was unsociable and laconic, trying to keep himself apart from other vagabonds. He did not spend the pennies earned on banks on alcohol and drugs. No one even suspected that he was investing these meager funds in the business. Degerman played on the stock exchange, and turned the money he earned there into precious metals and shares of promising companies.

Degerman was not born with the talents of a stock trader. He spent hours in free municipal libraries, studying books on economics and analytical newspapers. From them he received information that helped to operate successfully. Kurt's capital grew slowly, but steadily. He knew when to sell stocks and when to play it safe and hold on.

The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

Over the years of playing on the stock exchange, Kurt Degerman has amassed an impressive fortune. But in 2008, at the age of 60, he died of a heart attack. By this time, his accounts in various banks, including Swiss, were 1.4 million US dollars (106 million rubles at the current exchange rate). Kurt was prudent and kept only part of the money in the accounts. The rest he turned into 124 bars of gold, which he kept in bank cells.

It also unexpectedly turned out that Degerman was not homeless. He had a small neat house in the suburbs. By the way, he kept another $450 (34,000 rubles) in cash there. Now no one can say why he chose this lifestyle, because Kurt almost did not communicate with anyone. Perhaps he just liked to wander and did not want to spend money on expensive houses and cars.

That's what his cousin said about him in an interview. By the way, he was the only relative with whom Degerman sometimes communicated. And the only person who visited him in the hospital when he fell ill. Therefore, the vagabond's will surprised no one. He bequeathed all his money, gold, shares and a small house to his cousin.

The story of Kurt Degerman - homeless millionaire

Other relatives, who put an end to Kurt in their youth, did not agree with his last will. His 92-year-old uncle began to challenge the will in court. He insisted that his nephew was out of his mind and not aware of himself when compiling the document. The trial lasted four months and was held behind closed doors. What decision was made was not made public. It is only known that the parties were satisfied with him.

An equally surprising incident occurred in the Ukrainian city of Kirovograd. There, after death, a simple locksmith's house was found to have a huge collection of antiques, which the Hermitage envied.

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