The secret of the "chicken god" — why stones with a hole are valued all over the world
By Pictolic on the seashore for mysterious pebbles with through holes is a pleasant and exciting activity from childhood. Many of us, having already become adults, secretly hide such finds in the pocket of our shorts — for luck. Such stones are called "chicken god", "God's eye", "dog's happiness" and they are appreciated, oddly enough, all over the world. What are these pebbles and why do people have such a reverent attitude towards them?
The supernatural power of a stone with a natural hole has been believed since ancient times. In Europe, they were called "snake eggs", "druid glasses" and "witch stones", in Belarus — "the eye of Perun", and on Russia — "the eye of God". People have long believed that these stones help protect homes and pets from evil spirits, bring good luck and ward off the evil eye.
Even at the beginning of the 20th century, stones with holes found in a field or by the river in Kostroma province were hung on a string at the entrance to chicken coops to ward off foxes, ferrets and kikimores who came at night to crush and torment chickens. Perhaps that is why the unusual thing got its strangest name — "chicken god".
Once upon a time, stones with holes were widely used by priests of different religions when performing services and performing magical rites. The "chicken gods" were collected by Scandinavian ministers of the cult of Odin, and the Slavs — the priests of Veles. In the Mediterranean countries, such natural formations were revered by the adherents of the two-faced Janus, Artemis and Hecate.
Almost every nation has its own legend about how these stones appear. Some claim that these are fused intertwined snakes, others are sure that the holes in the stones are made by lightning, and still others believe that the holes in the stones are traces of the beak of a magical bird.
But from the point of view of science, there is nothing magical about such formations. Stones with holes appear due to long exposure to minerals of ordinary water. Pieces of different rocks have a heterogeneous composition and density, and some inclusions are not too resistant to the action of water. As a result, part of the stone is gradually washed out and a hole is formed.
Friction also contributes to this process — the sea surf or the rapid flow of a mountain river can rub a flat cobblestone against other stones over the years, and sometimes in several places at once. However, for all these natural processes, certain conditions are necessary, so "chicken gods" do not occur as often as we would like.
And on the other hand, if everyone could collect a bucket of such stones for a short walk along the shore, would they seem so valuable? Despite the fact that most of us do not believe in talismans, the "chicken god" can be found in wallets and wallets very often. Many believe that the stone is able to attract money and protect from unforeseen expenses.
Two such stones stored in the bedroom should attract a "soul mate" — they, if you believe the signs, help girls find a worthy groom faster. It also happens that the owner of the stone makes a wish while looking through the hole and then patiently waits for its fulfillment. They say that most often such a wish comes true!
It is important that the "chicken god" is found by the person who will wear it for good luck or use it for magical purposes, otherwise the power of the stone is lost. But many believe that the energy of a thing is preserved if the stone is presented to a loved one from the heart. In some cultures, whole necklaces are made from such pieces of rock, endowing them with different properties depending on the size of the holes and their location.
According to esotericists, the stones found in the vents of volcanoes are endowed with the strongest energy. But going for such a relic is dangerous and most prefer to look for a lucky amulet at the surf. The color of the stone also plays a role in its use.
The white "chicken god" brings light and goodness to its owner, red — brings love, red with white inclusions guarantees family happiness, blue — helps in creativity, green gives strength and health, and black — reflects negative energy.
Some believe that a stone with a hole is no less powerful amulet than the famous "red thread". Although all these magical properties of stones are just good legends, you should try it, because there is still a small chance that the stones actually work!
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