The richest and most successful: 15 Russian-language YouTube vloggers who earn millions
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic most of us, the Internet is a way to have fun, get new information, chat with friends or watch a movie. But there are people for whom the Internet has long turned into a workplace.
We are now talking about your favorite bloggers who talk about cosmetics, adventures, novelties in the world of electronics or personal life. You didn't think they were doing all this for free, did you?
We offer you to get acquainted with the rating of the richest YouTubers who managed to earn more than a dozen million rubles in 2018.
CLICKCLACK — 11.8 million rubles
Clickclack is a successful creative project of already established personalities — producers, cameramen, musicians, directors and bloggers. Its participants are Ilyich (one of the founders of the show, the lead singer of the Little Big group), Eldar Jarakhov (video blogger, rapper), lead singer of The Hatters Yuri Muzychenko, Ilyich's wife Irina Bold, stand-up comedian Danila Transverse, blogger Andrey Stary and many others. Now do you realize the scale of this project?
It is worth noting that the efforts of a huge group of people have brought good results — in 2018, the Clickclack channel earned almost 12 million.
Chicken Curry — 12.6 million rubles
The Chicken Curry channel cheers up almost a million subscribers every day with its selected jokes. For this, in 2018, he received 12.6 million rubles in profit. By the way, the author of the profile, Alexander Gudkov, created it just a year ago and has already managed to achieve such popularity.
Chicken Curry has "Comment Out" and "League of Bad Jokes" headings. Celebrities such as Nastya Ivleeva, Ivan Dorn, Ivan Urgant, singer Yelka, Evgeny Kulik, Garik Kharlamov and others managed to participate in the filming of the show.
Khovansky — 15.5 million rubles
Yuri Khovansky has a reputation as a rather scandalous blogger, and this is not surprising, given the number of his antics. What is the petition created by him about checking the mental state of deputy Elena Mizulina, which, by the way, has collected more than 116 thousand signatures.
Khovansky publishes various reviews on his channel, talks about spicy topics, and shoots interviews with other celebrities. Now more than 3.6 million subscribers follow the blogger's work.
Pleasant Ildar — 15.75 million rubles
Pleasant Eldar (real name Ildar Khabibullin) first tried himself as a video blogger in 2012, but after suffering a number of failures, decided to take a break. Only a few years later, a young man will launch a project that will bring him wide popularity — a blog about his weight loss.
Eldar honestly admitted that he decided to lose weight in order to look more pleasant on the screen. Hence the name of his channel. Now Khabibulin, who has already lost weight, talks not only about food, but also shares his personal observations from life, records video jokes, leads the headings "These strange people", "What do these children allow themselves?" and so on.
Sasha Spielberg — 19.8 million rubles
Sasha Spielberg is one of the ten most popular girls bloggers on the Runet, so it's not surprising that over the past year she was able to earn more than 19 million rubles. Sasha's YouTube channel of the same name is dedicated to various reviews, life hacks and stories from her life.
Parthenon — 22.9 million rubles
The Parthenon channel appeared on YouTube in February 2018 and has already managed to bring its author almost 23 million rubles. That's because Leonid Parfenov became famous long before that, and he launched this project as a public diary with stories about his life.
In his videos, Parfenov touches on acute social topics, talks about politics, history, and the problems of modern society. By the way, one of the recent issues on the Parthenon was devoted to the prohibition of rap concerts in some regions of Russia.
Nikolay Sobolev — 23.75 million rubles
Nikolay Sobolev is a popular Russian video blogger, one of the founders of the Rakamakafo and Ready Steady Go projects, the host of the SOBOLEV channel. Nikolai became famous on the Internet as a master of brilliant practical jokes. He and his friend Guram Narmania conduct "social experiments", testing people's reactions in various circumstances. For example, in one of the first videos, Nikolai and Guram offered passers-by to have group sex.
Stas Davydov — 24.05 million rubles
Stas Davydov is the author of the blog "This is Good", an analogue of the show of the American columnist Ray William Johnson. The novice blogger launched his YouTube channel in 2010. Already, his audience has expanded to 5.9 million subscribers.
In 2018, creative activity brought Stas Davydov a decent reward — 24.05 million rubles. So what if his project is still being compared to the show "+100500"? The main thing is the result!
AcademeG — 26.3 million rubles
The main theme of the AcademeG channel, authored by Konstantin Zarutsky, is the alteration of old cars. The direction is quite specific, "for an amateur." These are not life hacks and reviews of beauty trends, everything is much more serious here.
However, there were more than 3 million such fans among YouTube users. That's how many people are subscribed to Konstantin's channel. By the way, in 2018 he brought his author 26.3 million rubles.
Dima Maslennikov — 27 million rubles
Dima Maslennikov is often called the "new YouTube star". For several years, the guy has been keeping a public diary of the same name, the subject of which is very diverse: starting from life advice, ending with the heading GhostBuster ("Ghost Hunter").
By the way, it was she who brought Dmitry real popularity, because who is not interested in finding out how a guy spends the night in an abandoned hotel all alone or is reporting from a psychiatric hospital.
Versus Battle — 35 million rubles
Versus Battle is a popular Russian Internet show based on the idea of holding musical competitions between rap artists. For some time, the VB channel on YouTube was blocked for advertising betting companies (specializing in betting). But even this did not affect the demand for the show among young people. And even more so, it did not prevent the authors of the show, Alexander Timartsev and Yan Yanov, from earning 35 million rubles in 2018.
Amiran Sardarov — 38.8 million rubles
Amiran Sardarov has been running a channel with a bold and ironic name "Hach's Diary" for several years. On it, he talks about his life, hangouts, meetings with friends, communicates with various celebrities. By the way, Vladimir Zhirinovsky even visited Amiran once.
In 2018, the charismatic blogger managed to earn almost 39 million rubles, in particular, thanks to the introduction of several new formats on the channel, for example, the reality show "Hachu million" and "Hachu bride".
Oblomoff — 52.55 million rubles
The author of the Oblomoff channel is known to the general public under a pseudonym A nice Friend, his name is Oleg Grigoriev. He started his blog a long time ago — even before YouTube had the opportunity to monetize content. Therefore, we can safely say that the Glorious Friend is really trying for people.
And these efforts now bring him good money — 52.55 million rubles over the past year. And some still doubt that food blogs can be popular... Oblomoff is a vivid proof of that.
Yuri Dud — 78.2 million rubles
It seems that absolutely everyone has heard about this guy, especially after his interview with Nastya Ivleeva (15 centimeters). So, Dud earns about 80 million rubles a year on communication with other celebrities, advertising and other blogger "tricks".
Yuri has been developing his VDUD channel since 2014, and now more than 4 million viewers have subscribed to it.
Wylsacom — 82 million rubles
In the first place in terms of profit for 2018 is the well-known Russian blogger Valentin Petukhov, who runs a channel called Wylsacom. On it, he publishes various reviews of gadgets, video games, new products from online stores and shares with users his personal experience of using them.
The name Wylsacom stands for "Would you like some apple?" ("Would you like some apples?"). "What does apples have to do with it?" you may ask. It's just that initially Petukhov planned to devote his channel exclusively to Apple products, but over time he decided to make a variety. And this decision positively affected the future of the channel, judging by the fact that for the second year Valentin Petukhov has been ranked first in the ranking of the richest bloggers.
Keywords: YouTube | Blogger | Bloggers | Rich | Income | Internet | Channel | Profit | Rating
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