The rarest eye color in the world
Categories: Celebrities | Health and Medicine | World
By Pictolic color inherited one human genome, and from the moment of conception, he is destined to have a certain color. Scientists estimate that there are 8 eye colors. And this is just the most common. But there are people on the planet that have the rarest eye color.
For example, a Hollywood actress Kate Bosworth eyes of different colors. In the dark grey iris of her right eye pigment is stain brown hue. How many people, so many pairs of eyes on the light. There are no two identical personalities, and there are no two identical pairs of eyes. What is the magic sight? Maybe it's the color of your eyes?
The human eye, there are only eight colors. Some shades are more common, others are very rare. The contents of the pigment melanin in the iris determines what we call color.
Once, about 10 thousand years ago, most people on Earth was brown-eyed. Geneticists say that there was a mutation, and there were people with a lack of pigment. They were born blue-eyed, green-eyed children.
Known colors: black, brown, amber, olive, green, blue, gray, sky blue. Sometimes eyes change color, more often it happens in babies. Meet unique people with a vague tone.
Aishwarya Rai, movie star from India, renowned not only for its stunning figure and a smile, as the mystery of her eyes, which, in different moods are green, blue, grey or brown and the most beautiful eyes in the world.
Most often on the planet are born brown-eyed children. This color is prevalent in all parts of the world. It is believed that in their iris a lot of melanin. It protects the eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Brown-eyed astrologers connect with Venus and the Sun. Venus gave these people their tenderness, and the Sun – ardency and passion.
According to the opinion polls, the holders of such eyes call to her special confidence. It is considered that the brown-eyed women, sexy and passionate. If this is unknown, but the fact is that the owner of dark brown eyes Jennifer Lopez – a symbol of these qualities.
The second blue color. People originally from Northern Europe have such eyes. According to statistics, 99% of Estonians and 75% of blue-eyed Germans. Many children are born with blue eyes. Within a few months, the color changes to gray or blue. Adults are blue-eyed people are rare. Found blue eye shade and in Asia, and Ashkenazi Jews.
American researchers claim that the majority of talented people with high IQ blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are often strong powerful actors in communicating credibility arises intuitively. Light blue look Cameron Diaz, giving warmth and positivity, made her a Hollywood star. At the right moment it becomes hard and cold, and then again kind and warm.
Very rare black-eyed people.
Hollywood star Audrey Hepburn had such a color. She once said that the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. Her eyes always shone with kindness and love.
Rare color was Elizabeth Taylor. When she was born, frightened parents took the girl to the doctor, who said that the child had a unique mutation. Future Cleopatra was born with a double row of lashes and six months in the eyes of the baby was violet. Elizabeth life mad men with his eyes, having been married 8 times.
Witch eyes should be green. Only 2% of the population of the planet green-eyed man. Moreover, most of them female. A rational explanation for this phenomenon is not. Historians believe that the reason human prejudices.
All European Nations, including Slavs, Saxons, Germans, Franks, it was believed that the green-eyed women have supernatural powers.
In the Middle ages in Europe was raging Inquisition. It was enough of a denunciation, that man was sent to the fire. Most of the victims were women who were condemned as witches in the most insignificant occasion. Needless to say that green eyes were burned first? So were nearly exterminated the population of people with beautiful eye color.
Today, 80% of the green-eyed people living in the Netherlands and Iceland. Astrologers believe that the chloropid gout fly – delicate creatures, kind and loyal, but when it comes to the protection of the family or loved one, they are ruthless and cruel.
Bioenergy separating people energy "vampires" and "donors", argue that green-eyed people are neither the one nor the other, their power steady and neutral. Perhaps that is why they value stability and loyalty in relationships, and do not forgive betrayal.
The most famous green-eyed beauty – Angelina Jolie. Her "cat look" broke some hearts, while going to brad pitt.
No less magical eye light green tint Charlize Theron, who played gentle and vulnerable heroine in the film "the devil's Advocate". Men green eyes Tom cruise and Clive Owen.
The most amazing shade of Tilda Swinton. The unique bright green eyes in the background is transparent "elf" skin looks incredible. No wonder, despite its odd appearance, the actress – Muse to many designers, including Karl Lagerfeld, her close friend.
Nowadays, diversity is the norm. Rare eye color – is a feature, not a drawback, as well as many others.
Keywords: Health and medicine | Celebrities | World | Eyes | Color | Genetics | Mutation
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