The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World

The lady Reddit under the nickname Jayus_YT have created a fun thread, which talked about one of the most memorable mistakes of his childhood. According to the girl, when she was three, she put a brand new father's phone in the microwave. So then fashionable clamshell turned into a piece of burning plastic...

But as it turned out, that's not the worst, what worked in childhood redditors. Other users have shared under the post your stories, and some of them cause terror and surprise.

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

In addition to this history, the author of the thread posted a few photos of the burned-out dad's phone. It turns out that the man left it "in memory", and still sometimes remember the culprit of her act.

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

A funny story happened to a girl in 2002. Then the phones-clamshell phones were a rarity.

We can say that this phone is well preserved, considering where it's been.

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

In comments to trade began to appear in other stories about the "mistakes of childhood." It turns out that friendship with a microwave has not worked not only the author of the post.

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

Other electrical devices also have an unpleasant history:

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

And another lady Reddit when I was little, wanted to show his Barbie doll "fairy world".

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

But what happens when you try to hide from the parents of his misconduct:

The phone in the microwave, key in the socket and other errors of childhood with Reddit

One user joked that the father of the girl whose phone was destroyed in the microwave, just need to buy Nokia 3310 — then he would have still worked.

And you in the childhood there was a similar history? Share them in the comments.

Keywords: Reddit | Childhood | Mobile phones | Bug | Bugs | Electricity

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