The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Categories: Celebrities

The lifeless body of Marilyn Monroe, without clothes and in an unnatural posture, with the phone in hand found on 5 August. According to the official version, the actress committed suicide: according to the investigator's report, the actress took more than 40 tablets of barbiturates. But still in the world continue to experience incredible theories and hoaxes around the death of the iconic actress.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn was found dead in the night of 4 to 5 August 1962. Since the death of Monroe has been more than half a century, but her death still remains a mystery to many. It is known that the star was in a neurotic condition and had used sedatives and stimulants. Both of these factors justify the version of suicide. But still many believe that the death of Monroe for many years hiding a secret.

Marilyn Monroe killed by the CIA

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress One of the theories claims that Monroe killed a close relationship with the Kennedy family. Actress "ordered" the CIA to get back at the President John F. Kennedy during the failed invasion of Cuba. But why Monroe? In 2003, Matthew Smith in his book "Victim: the secret tapes of Marilyn Monroe" writes that the CIA knew about the affair of the actress with both Kennedy brothers. After killing her, the authorities wanted to exert pressure on the President and his family. In 2015 the theory of Smith's "warmed" confessions of a retired CIA officer, who on his deathbed confessed that he had killed Monroe. However, it later emerged that the recognition of an officer is nothing more than a hoax, courtesy of the fake news site.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn Monroe killed Robert Kennedy

One of the first versions that arose after the death of Marilyn, said that the younger brother of President Kennedy, Robert himself had killed the actress, because she was afraid that she would tell about their affair and his political career will go downhill. The same version was voiced by Frank Chapels in 1962 in his book "the Strange death of Marilyn Monroe". Special support version Capella has not received, and the passion subsided. But in 1973, novelist Norman mailer "adding fuel to the fire" by releasing another biography of Marilyn, which claimed that the actress was murdered by her lover, a Senator Robert Kennedy.

Conclusive evidence of the mailer was not, but loud they worked — the book sold mad copies. Two years later, another follower of this theory, the journalist Anthony Scaduto wrote the article. Based on several sources, he explained that Kennedy's killed Monroe. In his opinion, the actress knew too many political secrets and recorded information in your secret diary.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn Monroe killed Robert Kennedy, but he did not act alone

Another theory was put forward by the "yellow" journalist Anthony summers, who in 1985 wrote the book "Goddess. The mysteries of life and death of Marilyn Monroe". The author claims that Robert Kennedy encouraged bad habits Marilyn. Moreover, the politician personally took care of the last, fatal dose of sleeping pills. According to summers, the President was afraid that Marilyn would tell about their affair, but because together with his son-in-law Peter Lawford organized the overdose. Also, the author contends that to make it look like a suicide helped George. Edgar Hoover, who served as Director of the FBI.

The summers theory is reinforced by the words of Monroe housekeeper Eunice Murray, who first found the body of the actress. In an interview Murray said: "Oh, why should I continue to hide? Of course, there was Bobby Kennedy, and, of course, they had an affair".The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn accidentally killed by her doctors

Another book about the life and death of Marilyn Monroe was written by Donald Spoto in 1993. According to the author, Munro lied to doctors about their treatment, with the result that she was prescribed the wrong medication. Using the same housekeeper Eunice Murray, Marilyn's death was furnished like a suicide. Despite the police reports and the statements of Economics, a version of Spoto did not gain support and was rejected.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

One of the most insane versions of the death of Marilyn Monroe advanced extraterrestrial conspiracy theorist, Dr. Steven Greer. He claims that Monroe knew too much about... UFOs. In his film "Unrecognized" Greer stated that Marilyn was planning to leak top-secret information about the Roswell incident of 1947 (estimated crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell in new Mexico, USA). To stop the leak of secret information, CIA officer got rid of the threat of the blonde, faking a suicide.

The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn Monroe was killed by mafia

In 1982, a private detective Milo Spirilla announced a staggering assumption: Monroe was murdered Union leader Jimmy Hoffa and Chicago mob boss Sam Giancano. His theory of Spirilla explains in detail in his book "the Murder of Marilyn Monroe: case closed". Despite the dubious evidence, the book detective led to the resumption of the case of the death of Marilyn. However, after a new investigation the district attorney of Los Angeles closed the case: the theory of Spirilla not confirmed.The mystery of the death of Marilyn Monroe: 7 unexpected version of death of the actress

Marilyn Monroe was killed by the mafia on the orders of the Kennedy brothers

In 2012, biographer Darwin porter wrote the book "Marilyn: rainbow's End," which suggested that the actress was murdered by a mafia boss Sam giancana on the orders of one of the brothers Kennedy. Porter believes that Monroe was going to talk about his novels with the President and his brother, and the Kennedy family simply could not allow that to happen. And then — as in the action-detective: porter writes that at least five mafia entered into the house of Monroe, the girl put to sleep with chloroform, then was pumped full of barbiturates and moved to the bedroom.

Keywords: Actress | Marilyn Monroe death theories

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