The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

Categories: History | Sport

We all love gymnastics!Don't need no science!We have a great figure!And the best is our gym teacher!

Every second Saturday of August, and this year today — 8 August, we celebrate the Day of the athlete. The holiday has spread since the 1930s, in the first decades of Soviet power: then physical education and sports received increased attention — athletes were among the most popular people in the country. The institutions opened physical faculties, and later the whole educational institutions began to prepare future athletes. In the Soviet Union, none of the demonstration did not pass without the participation of the gymnasts, football players and other representatives of the sport. The slogan "Oh sports, you are peace!" is really characterized the way of life of the people.

Not less actively developed and implemented programs of physical education of children in schools. Speaking of children — how many memories from the former Soviet schoolchildren is associated with joyous achievements or bitter setbacks in physical education classes! All these frightening standards for jumping, running on a short distance and winter skiing!

Let's look at physical Chronicles of that time and a little recruit an army...

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

Exercises on uneven bars practiced since the late 30-ies. Including, on a separate physical education classes for girls.

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

The boys loved to compete on the number of pull-UPS on the bar, and that is very helpful — they did it usually in the fresh air.

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

Students of small stature was really hoping for summer vacation to grow up and finally qualified for the high jump.

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

Some hard running, not to mention the race for time or long distances.

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

In the long winter months Soviet schoolchildren involved in physical education, cross-country skiing. MSU, Moscow, 1959

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

And this is the lesson of physical culture in Ulyanovsk in 1967. (Photo: Sergey Yurev)

The most vivid memories of Soviet physical culture

Ski base in the Victory Park in Ulyanovsk. (Photo: Sergey Yuryev). By the way, skis were present in the school curriculum physical education for children and adults leisure time of Soviet citizens. And in General, while engaged in sports, almost all — both children and adults, and with great enthusiasm. And sometimes, for lack of choice, leisure sports replaced even a romantic date!

Keywords: Nostalgia | Soviet Union | Gymnastics | Pictures of

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