The most inspiring story of a disabled child

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

Categories: Children | Fashion

17-year-old Carrie Brown became a model for one of the American clothing manufacturers - this news spread around the world, because Carrie is a carrier of Down syndrome.

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The most inspiring story of a disabled child

Maggie Medema Photography / Via

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

1. Some time ago, Carrie's mom discovered that Wet Seal, a youth clothing brand, had begun releasing plus size items. Carrie tried them on and posted on her Facebook page that the clothes fit perfectly on people with Down syndrome.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

2. Carrie then started posting pictures of herself wearing the youth brand on social media, and her friends approached Wet Seal to make the girl the face of the brand.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

3. The young model describes her own style as "biker chic."

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

4. Thanks to a fairly active campaign on the Internet to support Kerry, the clothing manufacturer invited the girl to a photo shoot in California.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

5. To date, more than 20,000 people have subscribed to Carrie's page on the social network.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

6. The girl's mother was very worried that Carrie would be worried during the photo shoot, and this is highly undesirable for people with a similar illness, but the model showed calmness and asked Justin Bieber, her beloved, to play music.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

7. Carrie with her model friends.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

8. Carrie's acquaintances say that the attention and popularity did not spoil her at all, she continues to be a "normal teenager" and loves Justin Bieber.

The most inspiring story of a disabled child

9. Despite success in the modeling business, Carrie says she wants to go to college and become a librarian.

Keywords: Girl | Clothing | Down syndrome

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