The most famous trees in the world, famous in film, music and painting
By Pictolic small acorns grow large oaks, and in this case — Hollywood stars and world-famous trees. The thousand-year-old Major Oak in Sherwood Forest in Nottingham is just one of the trees that attract hundreds of visitors each year. According to legend, Robin Hood and his merry company spent the night under it. Other famous trees include the oak tree that starred in the movie "Shawshank Escape", the Joshua tree from the cover of the U2 album in 1987, the Anne Frank tree, and others.
The 200-year-old white oak tree near Malabar Farm in Mansfield, Ohio, starred in one of the final scenes of the 1994 film "The Shawshank Escape." The film, based on the Stephen King novel, stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.
It is under this tree that Ellis Boyd Redding, played by Freeman, finds an important letter buried by the character played by Tim Robbins. In July of this year, the tree, which attracts thousands of visitors every year, fell due to strong winds. Now it is lying on the ground, and its trunk is cracked in half.
The sycamore tree in Northumberland National Park was made famous by the 1991 film with Kevin Costner, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The famous tree grows in a hollow between two parts of Hadrian's Wall, a defensive structure built in England by the Romans. The tree is surrounded by an incredibly beautiful landscape.
Thanks to its Hollywood debut, this sycamore has since gained fame as the Robin Hood tree. In 2016, the tree was nominated for the title of "Tree of the Year" in England.
The image of the Joshua tree on the cover of U2's 1987 album of the same name was taken by photographer Anton Corbijn.
In December 1986, he traveled with the band for three days and tried to find the perfect location to shoot. The album was supposed to reflect the U2 members ' impressions of America.
The Joshua Tree became a tourist attraction for thousands of U2 fans, but unfortunately it dried up and died in 2000. Then some souvenir hunter cut it down, and the tree was destroyed.
The ancient tree in Frithsden Beeches-part of the Ashridge Estate-was spotted by location search managers working on the films Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It starred in these films as a Rattlesnake Willow growing on the grounds of Hogwarts.
The tree became famous and in the same year brought the Ashridge estate 50 thousand pounds of income from tourists. However, in 2014, the tree cracked in half and fell under the weight of its own weight and from old age. It is believed that he was about 400 years old.
For two years, while Anne Frank was hiding from the Nazis, a huge chestnut tree under her window inspired the girl with peace and hope for a happy life. The 170-year-old tree was almost the only living thing that the Jewish girl could see from the secret attic where she hid for more than two years during the Second World War. It is mentioned in a diary that became a worldwide bestseller after Anna's death in a concentration camp in 1945.
"Our chestnut tree has bloomed and is covered with leaves, it is much more beautiful now than it was a year ago," she wrote in May 1944, shortly before it was handed over to the Nazis. The tree became infected with a fungus, and in 2007 it had to be cut down because of concerns for the health of visitors to the Anne Frank Museum. In 2010, he was knocked to the ground by a thunderstorm.
This huge oak tree in Nottingham is visited by thousands of people every year. The tree is very popular among newlyweds. Since the tree is very old, it was surrounded by a fence so that visitors would not trample the soil at the roots and the oak would live for many more years. This is the English oak, which, according to a 2002 survey, became the most favorite tree variety among the English.
According to local legend, Robin Hood and his merry company hid under the shade of this oak tree. It weighs about 23 tons, the circumference of the trunk is 10 meters, and the span of the branches reaches 28 meters. Over the years, the tree has been called by various names, including the Cockpen Tree and the Queen's Oak. It became known as the Major Oak when Major Hayman Rook included it in a popular book about the ancient oaks of Sherwood, written in 1790.
Since 1908, the Major Oak has struggled to be preserved: metal chains were used to support the branches, which were replaced with wooden struts in the late 1970s. Now the oak is supported by thin steel poles.
Eucalyptus ghosts became famous thanks to the work of Australian Aboriginal artist Albert Namatjira. The trees helped him gain a foothold in the world of painting. Namatjira painted them in his film Twin Ghosts ("Twin Ghosts") in the 1940s.
The trees were depicted on a postage stamp. They are also mentioned in the song I Am Australian ("I am Australian"). Namatjira was first seen in Australian art circles in the late 1930s, and by the late 1950s he had gained international recognition. The painting with two eucalyptus ghosts was sold at auction in 2012 for about 20 thousand pounds (24.8 thousand dollars).
Keywords: Nature | Music | Painting | Trees | Cinema | Fame
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