The most expensive photographer in the world

The most expensive photographer in the world

Categories: World

Andreas Gursky is a German photographer based in Leipzig. Most of all, he likes to shoot large-scale panoramic photos from angles that are usually out of reach. And he does it very well. In 2011, at Christie's, his photograph "Rhine II" was sold for a record $4.3 million, becoming at that time the most expensive photograph in the history of auctions.

Bright Side is amazed by the majesty and epic nature of these works and invites you to enjoy the best of them.

(Total 16 photos)

The most expensive photographer in the world Source: Bright Side

The most expensive photographer in the world

1. Cathedral I, 2007

The most expensive photographer in the world

2. Pyongyang, 2007

The most expensive photographer in the world

3. Tour de France, 2007

The most expensive photographer in the world

4. Kamiokande, 2007

The most expensive photographer in the world

5. 99 cents, 2001

The most expensive photographer in the world

6. Rhine II, 1999

The most expensive photographer in the world

7. Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1999

The most expensive photographer in the world

8. Bahrain, 2005

The most expensive photographer in the world

9. Nha Trang, 2004

The most expensive photographer in the world

10. Dubai, 2008

The most expensive photographer in the world

11. Kuwait Stock Exchange, 2000

The most expensive photographer in the world

12. Greeley, 2003

The most expensive photographer in the world

13. Dortmund, 2009

The most expensive photographer in the world

14. Montparnasse, Paris, 1993

The most expensive photographer in the world

15. James Bond Island, 2007

The most expensive photographer in the world

16. Madonna, 2001

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