The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

Categories: History | Travel

Beacons bravely we associate with the sea. Ordinarily it — visible from afar the building is located on the shores of the sea and indicates the Wanderers the way to shore. But there are exceptions. In the Astrakhan region, near the village Tower, is a lighthouse... in the middle of the flat as a table steppe. From the nearest coast of the Caspian sea, it is separated as much as 30 km and As he was in such a strange place and who built it?

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

The lighthouse, causing many issues, called Petrovsky. It was built in the 18th century and at that time it was used for its intended purpose. Navigation structure served as a landmark for ships, as it was not just the coast, and on the island Chetyrehvagonnye. This piece of land was not far from the port. Here used to moor large ships due to its precipitation could not enter into the Volga.

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

But over time the sea retreated and the island first became a Bank, and then became part of land and 30 km from the surf. The lighthouse was built in 1722 by the order of Tsar Peter I. the Monarch made a stop here during the famous Persian campaign with his squadron. After returning to St. Petersburg, the Tsar ordered to build at the entrance to the Volga port, and Chetyrehbalnoy the island to establish a lighthouse.

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

But Petrovsky lighthouse, which we can see, only child of the first. Originally, the structure was wooden and not so high. Due to the high humidity wood quickly destroyed and the lighthouse had to fix. In 1856, during the next storm he collapsed, and for a long time on the island there was no reference point. In 1876, decided to build in its place a brick tower, is impervious to the elements.

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

The new lighthouse is also called Peter, although in old maps it is marked simply as "the Tower". Upstairs is an observation deck, which leads a cast-iron spiral staircase. Now this may rise everyone — from the top offers a great view of the surroundings. Lighthouse in the desert like tourists, thrill-seekers, and especially bloggers.

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

The water level in the area of the lighthouse began to fall in the early 20th century. Large ships could not approach the shore, but Petrovsky lighthouse worked for small fishing boats. In the 30-ies of the water is completely gone from this place, and the needle was left standing in the middle of the Astrakhan steppes. Useless lighthouse is not abandoned. The locals, for which he was the only attraction, prevented its destruction.

The miracle in the desert: both in 30 km from the sea near Astrakhan appeared lighthouse

In the 80-ies of the last century Petrovsky lighthouse included a number of monuments of local importance. In the 90 years he again came in handy — the building was home to radio station, however briefly. Now beacon's abandoned and it is visited only by tourists to take a selfie on the background of the vast expanses.

In the world many beautiful and unusual lighthouses. We made them a rating of, which included 10 of the most interesting buildings from around the world.

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