The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19

Andrey Tarusov, an artist from Rybinsk, who became famous for his pin-up drawings and moved to live in Los Angeles, drew a series of works "Coronavirus - survival instructions". Tips on stylish posters are given by an erotic nurse.

The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19Laughter helps to fight panic and longing. Rybinets Andrey Tarusov, who lives in Los Angeles, did not disappoint expectations. And he drew reminder posters on how to deal with coronavirus, in the pin-up style.

There are reminders of sneezing in the elbow, the need to wear a mask and observe a two-meter distance.

The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19

Cover yourself with your elbow and avoid the crowd

Andrey Tarusov self-isolated in Los Angeles.

The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19

Do not buy toilet paper, if you feel unwell, seek medical help

The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19

Go outside wearing a mask and gloves, do not touch your face

The master of piquant posters Andrey Tarusov drew how to protect himself from COVID-19

Do not leave the house unnecessarily and wash your hands more often

Keywords: Andrey Tarusov | Instructions | Coronavirus | Pinup | Drawings

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