The last cannibals: the tribes in which eat human flesh and carried out the blood rituals
Categories: Nations | Travel | World
By Pictolic the world there are very few places untouched by civilization, inhabited by ancient tribes. Their life is surprising and sometimes scary. What seems to us an absurdity, for them — normal. The way of life of aboriginal people has not changed for thousands of years, as tourists appear in these remote places is quite rare. However, some desperate travelers managed to gather information about the amazing tribes in which still there are cases of cannibalism and carried out terrible ceremonies.Few tourists venture to get into places inhabited by wild tribes. And no wonder: the natives do not always welcome strangers. Their lives are radically different from ours, and some of the traditions of the savages of the hair on his head stand on end. Blood, violence and killing constitute the bulk of their horrific rituals.
Despite the danger, some intrepid researchers managed to get into the most remote corners of the planet and see the life of the tribes inside. Rare photographs and information will help you a bit to learn how to live the last cannibals on earth.
It is believed that a tribe of Asmat killed in 1961, Michael Rockefeller, the son of a politician and banker Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller. He went on an expedition to the region of New Guinea on the boat while travelling overturned. The researcher threw his partner drift on the ship, and he swam to shore and was probably killed by the natives, once out on dry land.
In 2018, the natives killed American missionary John Allen Chow, shooting from a bow, when he sailed to the island to convert them to Christianity.
Tribe of waorani lives in the Amazon jungle and leads a primitive life. The Czech photographer is not afraid to penetrate deep into the rainforest and to meet these amazing people.
Keywords: Aboriginal | Jungle | Info | Cannibal | Blood | Ceremony | Danger | Tribe | Explorers | Rare photographs | Rituals | Traditions | Uniqueness
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