The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

Categories: Healthy lifestyle

Couples like to go on a diet together to support each other and enjoy success together. But for this couple, the diet has become a bone of contention. The wife threatened to file for divorce because her husband lost weight, but she did not. The man told his story and asked for advice on Reddit.

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The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

A Reddit user under the nickname Jimboyt65 shared a story about how he and his wife decided to lose weight. The reason was that it became difficult for them to live with excess weight: each of them weighed about 130 kilograms.

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

The couple joined the gym, started eating healthy food and counting calories. Only his wife's perseverance was enough for just a week. 

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

But the man began to notice the results. 

Then the wife started posting strange posts on social networks, and the man decided that they relate to him. 

The joint diet ended in divorce, because the husband lost weight, and the wife did not

In the end, the wife decided to file for divorce and reported it in a text message. 

After this message, the man turned to Reddit users for help. In the comments, he was advised not to try to return the relationship, but to leave his wife, because she acted "dishonestly and disrespectfully" towards her husband. 

Keywords: Divorce | Diet | Couple | Husband | Wife | Weight | Reddit | Healthy lifestyle

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