The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Categories: History

Love story is a classic of Russian literature, Alexander Griboyedov and the Georgian Princess Nina Chavchavadze so tragic, that it could hardly be invented. Such drama can only write life itself. Widowed at the age of 16, the wife of the poet was kept mourning for his tragically deceased husband of 28 years, until his last breath.

We all know Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov as a poet and the author of the immortal poem "Woe from wit", disassembled quotes by many generations. Some will also remember Griboyedov-playwright and may be called something else of his creative heritage. But few know the Russian classic as a person, and the person he was incredibly interesting.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Child portrait of the poet

Griboedov stood out among their peers from an early age. In the 6 years he was fluent in three European languages, and later learned Persian, Arabic, Turkish, and Georgian. At age 13 child Prodigy received the diploma of the verbal section of the Moscow University, and 15 years, the law faculty.

It is well known that every one of the successes of the young Alexander was the result of his abilities and hard work, not parent relations. Personality Griboyedov was very versatile — he wrote poetry and prose, drawing, doing translations, wrote plays for the theater, and even composed the music.

In 1812, Alexander Griboyedov enrolled in the Moscow hussar regiment. Phenomenal abilities and educational background did not prevent the poet to become a habit a hussar, with all the ensuing consequences.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

A. S. Griboedov in hussar uniform

Know that once Alexander rode on horseback into the hall, which hosted the ball. He also participated several times in duels, in one of which he was shot in the hand. After serving four years, Griboyedov was left military service for a diplomatic career.

In 1818 Alexander Griboyedov's offered a job as officer of the Russian mission in the United States, but he refuses and gets appointed to the position of Secretary of the king attorney in the Affairs of Persia. Since then, the poet's life is in constant travel between St Petersburg and Tehran.

Having served the Fatherland faithfully for several years in Persia, Griboyedov translates as health to Georgia. In Tiflis (now Tbilisi), he becomes a frequent visitor at the house of major-General Alexander Chavchavadze — Governor-Governor of Nakhichevan and Erivan areas.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Prince Alexander Chavchavadze

A descendant of the ancient princely family Chavchavadze was also a man with a brilliant education and wrote poetry. The house of the Prince was visited by writers, scientists and people of progressive views and Griboyedov liked prevailed there.

In 1822, Alexander began to give lessons in piano, the eldest daughter of the Governor Nina. Griboedov once jokingly said that when she grows up, he must marry her. Nina Chavchavadze was only 11, and the poet was older than her 18 years, so everything took said as a joke. But not the girl.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Princess Nina Chavchavadze

In 1828 Griboyedov again visited the hospitable house of the Prince and was captivated by the beauty of Nina, which flourished 16 years as a beautiful flower. Many contemporaries noted the amazing beauty of the girl, her excellent manners and modesty. Friend and colleague Griboyedov Carl Adelung described Nina Chavchavadze:

Griboyedov had the courage to ask a Georgian Prince of the hand of his daughter and he agreed. 22 Aug 1828 33 year old Russian nobleman Alexander Griboyedov married a Georgian Princess Nina Chavchavadze, who was younger than him twice. During the ceremony, suffering from fever fiance dropped to the floor ring and it was considered a bad omen.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Together the couple have only been a few months since the fall of Griboyedov had to go to Persia. Nina, expecting a child, decided to go with him, but in a way got sick and sent her back to Tiflis. Preserved the letter Griboyedov young wife, which he wrote shortly after breaking up:

But Alexander and Nina was not destined to live happily ever after — it was the last in the life of a diplomat Griboyedov trip. He was sent into Tehran with a very important mission — to indemnity at the end of the Russo-Iranian war.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

The signing of the Turkish peace Treaty. A. S. Griboyedov is sitting right back

In this case, Griboyedov has shown himself to be tough and principled man, which caused outrage at the court of the Shah and the people. To pay the appropriate amount, the ruler had to raise money across the country and it is even more angered subjects.

But then the murmur of the matter was not until the beginning of January, 1829, at the Russian Embassy did not begin to come Armenians, who asked to assist them to return home. Among them were the Shah's eunuch Armenian Jakub Markaryan, which came several wives and Iranian dignitary.

The Persians demanded the return of the fugitives, but correctly Griboyedov refused. Markaryan not release from the country, as it has for many years worked with Shah Treasurer and had important secrets of the yard. After refusing to return defectors, residents of Tehran began to accuse Russian contempt of Islam.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

As in Tehran became unsafe, January 29, 1829, Constantine informed the Shah that the Embassy and leaves his country. The next day at the building of the mission gathered 100-thousandth of an angry mob, which resisted 35 Cossacks of the Embassy and several officials at the head of Griboyedov.

In the archives of General Osogovska there is a document, which stated that, defending the Embassy, Griboyedov personally killed 18 of the attackers. But the forces were unequal, and the defenders were killed. The Ambassador was stoned, and his body was mutilated beyond recognition. Head Griboyedov, put on a stick, wore on the streets of Tehran, and his body dumped in a ditch.

The attack has experienced only one person — the Secretary of the Embassy of Ivan Maltsev.The dead were buried in the courtyard of the Armenian Church in a mass grave. Shah, to cover up a shocking incident, sent a gift to Tsar Nicholas I's abundant gifts, among which was of exceptional size and beauty of diamond "Shah".

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

A. S. Pushkin met a cart with a body Griboyedov on the road to Erzurum

As a result of negotiations the payment of reparations was able to delay for several years, and about the mass murder in the Embassy of the Russian monarch said, "I give eternal oblivion Tehran unfortunate incident".

The death of Griboyedov was hiding from Nina Chavchavadze two months, but in March 1829, she learned about the fate of the wife. Have a Princess occurred premature birth and the baby, who managed to baptize and to be named after the father of Alexander, lived only an hour.

18 June 1829, Griboyedov's body, which was able to identify only a bullet wound in the arm, received in a duel, brought to Tiflis and buried at the Church of Saint David. On the tombstone of the poet carved the famous words by Nina Chavchavadze: "Mind and your works are immortal in Russian memory, but why has outlived you my love!"

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Widowed at the age of 16, Nina Chavchavadze never came out of mourning for the deceased husband. She wore black clothes and residents of Tbilisi called her "the Black rose". Young and beautiful widow attracted the attention of men and grooms, there was no end. Nina wooed Sergey Ermolov, the son of the commander, the Viceroy of the Caucasus General Vasily ilovaisky and poet Prince Grigory Gambaryan-Orbeliani. Last sought the hand of Princess almost 30 years.

Nina Chavchavadze-all Griboyedov refused and lived modestly and in solitude. She did not attend social events and balls, making exceptions only for musical evenings, where he went with his father and sister. The Princess spent a lot of money to charity and tried to help anyone who tried to use it.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Nina Chavchavadze shortly before his death

The district leader of the Samegrelo Cornelius Borozdin said that Nina Chavchavadze was not cloying and sentimental, which is typical for many widows. She was kind, good and bribed its sincerity and simplicity.

"Black rose" died at age 44 from cholera on June 28 1857, during the epidemic that took the lives of thousands. She offered to leave Tiflis and escape, but the woman was adamant and remained in the city to help the sick. She saved the life of a sick relative, but the ill itself.

The history of the "Black rose": widowed at the age of 16, his wife Griboyedov kept mourning life

Before she died, she told relatives — "I was beside him". No doubt that meant Nina. The mourning for her husband, which lasted 28 years is over and the lovers are reunited in the grotto of the Church of Saint David. Despite a cholera epidemic, to say goodbye to "Black rose" came all Tbilisi.

Keywords: A child Prodigy | Georgia | Iran | Persia | Embassy | Poet | Death | Tbilisi | Murder | Cholera

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