"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

Categories: Life hacks | Society | World

Employee of a major Russian retail chains have shared the tricks that marketers use to get buyers to put in the cart completely unnecessary goods. All these "chips" are so simple and obvious that I'm ashamed to admit that we again and again they come across.

And you had become a "victim" of marketers? Test yourself by reading the material below.

The main task of marketers to make the buyer went shopping for as much time as possible. Of course, the easiest way to implement this in a large supermarket where people have the possibility to wander with a trolley between the rows.

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

But "he" very loosely, because in almost all institutions of this type have a rule of the "Golden triangle". According to him, the trading floor, there are three key points — the entrance, and ticket office. The distance between the so-called vertices of the triangle should be the maximum. That's why so many of the most running goods that should be located at the second point, namely, bread, milk and eggs are at the end of the hall.

As long as the buyer gets to them, his eyes will come across a variety of snacks, fruit, soda and sweets, and, of course, alcohol. If space allows, the triangle converted into any other figure. The main thing is to maintain consistency.

"Advanced" supermarket buyers, who have already familiarized themselves with our other article on marketing ploys, you know that all items in the store are by a special principle. The most expensive are always at "eye level", and the cheapest — is very high or, conversely, low. And even though this is known to most people, statistics show that the sale of goods located on the lower shelves, are negligible.

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

You also might notice that the entrance to the store often set with a basket of fruit and vegetables. It is not only beautiful, but also profitable (for the owners, of course). The buyer, sending a cart of some useful product, feels internal excellence ("I care about your health!") and without any twinge of conscience for being less useful goods — snacks, desserts, ice cream, alcohol and so on.

By the way, about alcohol. Before the shops "came up trumps" and put alcohol almost at the entrance. But after the introduction of restrictions on the sale of spirits, they began to hide into.

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

However, even so thanks to a correctly formatted "route" from marketers, the buyer gets to the destination. In most supermarkets all passages are arranged so that the people were moving counterclockwise and turn to the left. So the opinion of buyer often will fall on the middle right shelf. But it is possible to see the most expensive and supposedly tradable goods.

People do not like extremes, so choosing from several options, usually prefer the middle. Marketers take into account this phenomenon and arrange the goods in the shops, so that a "middle ground" had the positions as soon as possible to sell.

For example, if on the shelf you will see cheap and expensive milk, then most likely click the first. But if there is another brand of milk with the same properties, the high likelihood that he will you give your preference.

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

This phenomenon has been called "the Goldilocks effect", as in popular English fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears (tri Medvedya in Russian) girl, once in the house of the bears, chooses not too hot and not too cold porridge, not too soft and not too firm bed and so on.

And of course don't forget about the "yellow price tag". In many supermarkets the price tags of the goods dyed in this color only because it is associated with promotions and sales. Look, maybe the product that you want to take, is the same as the neighboring without the "yellow price tag"?

But do not think that when ordering goods online, you limit yourself from "harmful" influences marketers.

"The Goldilocks effect" and other marketing tricks that work in all stores

Of course, to avoid all of the above is impossible, since the shop we usually go is not focused and concentrated, and relaxed and maybe even tired. Network users, based on their own experience, suggest to go to the store with a pre-prepared list and ignore promotional items (only if they are not in the list).

And how do you go shopping? Ever notice these "traps"?

Keywords: Shop | Marketing | Customers | Sales | Products | Supermarket

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