The drug "Ozempik": is it harmful to lose weight quickly with "magic" injections
Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle
By Pictolic problem of excess weight is relevant for millions of people. Someone solves it with the help of diets, workouts in fitness clubs and jogging, and someone prefers pharmaceuticals. There are a huge number of drugs for weight loss. Recently, Ozempik has become one of the most popular. The demand for it is huge, and there are legends about its effectiveness. But at the same time, disputes about how safe this remedy is for health do not subside.
The drug "Ozempik" appeared on the world market of anti-obesity products a little more than a year ago. A lot of posts have appeared on profile forums and in social networks about how the drug rapidly gets rid of fat. The excitement was fueled by messages from famous people who used the novelty and were satisfied with the results. Among them were Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian.
"Ozempic" (Ozempic) is a drug created to combat type 2 diabetes. It is based on the active substance semaglutide. This is an expensive prescription drug, one injection of which costs about $ 1,000 (97 thousand rubles). But the sky-high price does not stop those who want to get the figure of their dreams without making a lot of effort.
The effect of the drug is based on the imitation of the action of a hormone produced when food appears in the stomach. It helps the pancreas secrete insulin when glucose levels rise. At the same time, intestinal motility slows down and a person feels satiety much longer. The desire to have something to eat disappears, which often leads to weight gain. This leads to the fact that the body weight is reduced by 15-20 percent in the shortest possible time.
But any drug has side effects. Appetite blockers are no exception. The active substance semaglutide can cause diarrhea, constipation, nausea and upset stomach. Some people also complained of vomiting and increased gas formation. But in most cases, the use of "Ozempika" does not create problems.
Experts in the field of weight loss treat the drug in different ways. Some consider it "heavy artillery" for those who have a serious form of obesity. Others are sure that Ozempik acts carefully and is not dangerous. There are also those who completely deny the use of medication and say that you need to rely only on diet, regime and physical activity. They claim that appetite blockers remove responsibility from a person and work only while they are being taken.
Unfortunately, opponents have the right to say so. Often, after paying a lot of money for a course of the drug, a person notices with horror that after stopping taking it, his weight begins to grow rapidly. This process is difficult to control, and everything returns to the starting point. The results of research published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism suggest that after giving up "Ozempika" most people gain their initial weight within a year.
There is another unpleasant moment, which is unofficially called "ozempic-face". A sharp change in weight affects the face. You may notice that those who have lost weight with the help of the drug look older. This is due to the fact that fat leaves evenly after injections. It is known that the face is very sensitive to loss of adipose tissue. The cheekbones begin to bulge, the skin on the cheeks sags, and bags appear under the eyes.
Despite this, the demand for Ozempik is huge. In the USA, every second overweight patient requires a doctor's prescription for this expensive remedy. Less often it is used for its main purpose — for diabetes mellitus or high cholesterol. Doctors do not advise to hurry and recommend to think carefully before.
It is necessary to answer not the question of how many kilograms you want to lose, but why they appeared. It is well known that an important factor in the development of obesity is the emotional component. Perhaps you just need to find the reason inside yourself, change your lifestyle and diet, and not spend an impressive amount on a drug that solves the problem only in the short term.
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