The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

Categories: Children | North America | Positive

Such a story: a six-year-old American, Owen, was traveling with his toy tiger Hobbs (from the Calvin and Hobbs comic book!), But before the flight, he accidentally left his friend at the airport in Tampa. The mother of the distressed child called the airport and asked if there was anything they could do to help.

Employees found Hobbs near the children's room and decided to give him the craziest tour of the airport: Hobbs visited the control tower and ice cream stand, worked out in the staff gym, hung out with fire planes, slept in a hammock by the pool at the Mariott Hotel and rode a trolley. When Owen returned to Tampa, manager Tony D'Ayuto gave the baby a tiger—and a photo album of Hobbs' adventures at the airport.

Material about the history of Owen and Hobbs appeared on the Tampa Airport website - and on its Facebook page. Can you imagine our Sheremetyevo doing the same? Eh!

(Total 11 photos)

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

Source: Tampa International Airport / Facebook

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

The Crazy Adventures of a Forgotten Tiger at Tampa Airport

Keywords: Airport | Mimimi

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