The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Categories: Europe | Society

A transgender teenager, who was born a boy, told how he returned from the summer holidays to school as a girl who imitates Kim Kardashian.

Kyra Kelly is 15 years old, she has shiny black hair and pronounced cheekbones. She lives in Middlesbrough (North Yorkshire) and takes an example from an American reality TV star. Until recently, her name was Tyler and most of her life she suffered because she could not figure out who she was.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian Source: Daily Mail

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

But in September, she returned to school as Kira, and some teachers did not even recognize her. Speaking about life before transformation, Kaira says: "I felt strange and different from others. I looked in the mirror and saw a stranger. I imagined myself in skirts and dresses when I was still eight years old."

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

"Now when I look in the mirror, I see myself. I was very worried when I came to class on the first day on September 5, but absolutely in vain. Everyone was very supportive and happy for me."

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Since the age of six, the now ex-Tyler has been worried about his gender. Feeling uncomfortable in the boy's body, he often walked around the house with makeup, manicure and heels.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

At first, his deeply religious stepfather Chris and mother Angela decided to put an end to the boy's strange habits, fearing that the neighbors would gossip. "They didn't understand who I was. We lived in a dangerous area, and they were afraid that I would be teased," says Kaira.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

This reaction of his parents made the boy feel very lonely: he did not fit into the company of other boys at school, hated football and men's clothing. His closest friends were girls, but he often envied their makeup, long hair and outfits.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

At the age of 11, Tyler confessed to being bisexual, and two years later told his family and friends that he was gay. Mom allowed Tyler to wear makeup outside of school, but that wasn't enough for a teenager. "I didn't feel confident after I admitted that I was gay. I felt like something was missing," says Kaira. At the age of 14, while watching a makeup lesson on YouTube, Tyler found a video about a transgender woman.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

The video blogger talked about feeling trapped in the wrong body, and Tyler realized that he had the same feeling. He was worried about how his parents would react to this, and first shared his feelings with his best friend. It was in January 2015. Then, in geography class at school, Tyler and a friend made up a text message to send to mom.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Kaira says, "I didn't know how she would react. I wrote this message four times, and when I came home, I had other feelings. She was very supportive and told my dad that evening. He was understanding. The next morning he told me that he loves me for what I am."

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

In September 2015, Tyler posted a photo on Facebook, announcing that he is transgender and changing his name to Kira. Now she is a girl, and soon she will begin hormone replacement therapy, although she believes that her appearance is unlikely to change much before the age of 17 or 18.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Kyra wasted no time and tried to be like Kim Kardashian in everything. She swapped jumpers and tracksuits for tight jeans, short dresses and bright tops. She has added false strands to her hair, wears full makeup and dresses exactly like a reality TV star. Even their initials match.

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Although Kira has been wearing glamorous outfits outside of school for some time, until now she went to classes in the image of a boy. "I dress like Kim Kardashian all the time, I wear a lot of makeup, and it gives me the opportunity to feel glamorous."

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

Speaking about plans for the future, Kaira notes: "I have a long list of plastic surgeries that I want to do: sex change, breast implants, rhinoplasty, lip fillers, a small correction of eyebrow height, removal of excess hair from the eyebrows and correction of the hairline. I adore the glamorous image and have always been a fan of the Kardashian family. They are happy and satisfied with themselves, and that's what I've always wanted too."

The boy went on vacation, and returned as a girl similar to Kim Kardashian

"I know most of you won't read this, I was half an hour too hasty, as I planned it for eight. But if it wasn't obvious enough from yesterday's drag-style photo, I've come to terms with who I am, and at 15 I'm proud to do it. I wanted to start from the beginning and tell everyone on Facebook that I am a transgender girl, and it took me and my family, who supported me, a lot of courage and a lot of time to come to terms with it. I blocked and removed people from school because for the most part I don't need them here and they don't need to see it. My appearance won't change until I'm 17-18, which gives me time to come to terms with it and learn more about it. Maybe there will be negative comments, but I don't care. Thank you to those who support me."

Keywords: UK | Girl | Before and after | Kim kardashian | Boy | Transgender | Transsexuals | Transformation

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