The best and worst travel passports in 2016

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Categories: World

When it comes to international travel, there is one document that will significantly expand the possibilities of your movement around the world, allowing you to enter the territory of more countries of the world without a visa than other passports. Can you guess what we are talking about? No, this is not a US citizen's passport, as you might think.

(13 photos in total)

The best and worst travel passports in 2016 Source:

Henley &Partners, together with the International Air Transport Association, has compiled a list of passports that allow you to travel around the world as freely as possible.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

The tenth place in the ranking of the best passports is occupied by documents issued in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Iceland. In 2016, citizens of these countries have the right to visa-free entry to the territory of 167 countries of the world.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Malta is on the ninth line. You can get a passport of this island state through an investment in the Maltese economy. As soon as the cherished little book is in your hands, the borders of 168 countries will open to you.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Australia is in the eighth place of the rating. Her passport allows you to enter the territory of 169 countries of the world without unnecessary paperwork.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Greece and New Zealand are in 7th place: with the documents of these states, you can easily get to 171 countries.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Seven countries are on the sixth line at once: Canada, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Switzerland. The borders of 172 countries of the world are open to citizens of these states.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Austria, Singapore and Japan took the fifth place. Border guards of 173 countries of the world will not require a visa from holders of these passports.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA are on the fourth line of the rating. Their citizens can easily visit 174 countries without any bureaucracy.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Finland, France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom are on the third line. The citizenship of these countries guarantees the right to cross the borders of 175 countries of the world.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Sweden is in second place. This state has agreements on visa-free travel with 176 countries of the world.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

And finally, Germany is in the first place of the rating. Having a passport of a German citizen, you will safely enter the territory of 177 countries of the world.

It is worth noting that Russia is on the 48th line in the ranking: our compatriots can enter the territory of 105 countries without obtaining a special permit. But that's not all. Just below are the top 3 worst passports for international travel in the world.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Iraq is located on the 102nd line of the rating. Visa—free entry to 30 countries.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Pakistan is on the 103rd place. Visa—free entry to 29 countries.

The best and worst travel passports in 2016

Well, you can't envy the citizens of Afghanistan. Located on the 104th line of the rating, Afghanistan has agreed on visa-free entry with only 25 countries of the world.

Keywords: Borders | Best | Vacation | Passport | Rating | List

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