The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

Categories: Design and Architecture | Europe

Imagine that you are returning from a long trip to your home and... can't find it.

This could really happen if you lived in one of the buildings that was touched by the talented hand of the French artist and street art master Patrick Commesi. Together with his team, he creates huge murals, turning boring and gray facades of ordinary houses into super-realistic scenes from life.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

By the way, the artist often depicts in his paintings real people who somehow became famous and entered the history of the city where he creates.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

In the Renaissance style.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

A revived movie theater.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

Actors' cafe.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The Green Sorceress bar.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

Aqueduct Cafe.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

Romeo and Juliet.

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

Cinema "Valois".

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

The artist turns boring facades into bright scenes full of life

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