The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

Categories: Animals | Health and Medicine | Nature | World

Millions of species of insects that live on the earth today, play a vital role in the ecosystem of our planet. Although most of them are safe, some may give the person a lot of trouble, and some can be poisonous and even deadly. From the usual ants and flies, to the more exotic beetles — we offer you a list of the 25 most dangerous insects in the world.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

1. Termites

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

2. Lice

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

3. Deer tick

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

4. Army ants

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

5. OSA

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

6. Black widow

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

7. The hairy caterpillar of the Moth-coquette

Usually people believe that burning are hairs, but in reality the poison is released through the spikes hidden in the "fur". The spikes are extremely break-up and remain in the skin after touch. The poison causes a burning sensation around the affected area, headache, dizziness, vomiting, sharp pain in the abdomen, lymph nodes and sometimes respiratory failure.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

8. Cockroaches

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

9. Parasitic worms

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

10. Bed bugs

Bed bugs are household insects and do not belong to the group of vectors for infectious diseases, but in their body they can to keep long pathogens that transmit infections through blood, such as hepatitis b, can also survive a plague, tularemia, Q-fever. The greatest harm to the people they deliver their stings, taking away a person's normal rest and sleep, which subsequently can have a negative impact on the moral health and efficiency.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

11. The human gadfly

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

12. Centipede

Flycatcher is a predator, they inject the victim with poison and then kill her. Often flycatchers settle in apartments without harm to the food or furniture. They love moisture, often, centipedes found in basements, under bathtubs and toilets. Live flytrap from 3 to 7 years, newborns have only 4 pairs of legs, increasing them by one with each new molt.

Usually the bite of this insect do not be anxious for a person, although it may be compared with a small bee sting. For some it may even be painful, but usually it is limited to tears. Of course, centipede is not an insect that is responsible for thousands of deaths, but many of us will be surprised that every year someone dies from these bites. The fact that a possible allergic reaction to insect venom, but it still happens very rarely.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

13. Black Scorpion

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

14. Fishnets

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

15. Ant-the bullet

People bitten by this ant can feel throbbing and relentless pain for days after a sting. Some of the local Indian tribes (Satere-Mawe, Maue, Brazil) these ants are used in a very painful rites of initiation of boys to adulthood (leading to temporary paralysis and even blackening of the fingers stung). In the course of studying the chemical composition of the poison, he was isolated from a paralyzing neurotoxin (peptide) called powertossim.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

16. The Brazilian wandering spider

The poison of spiders of this genus contain a potent neurotoxin, known as PhTx3. At deadly concentrations, this neurotoxin causes loss of muscle control and breathing problems, leading to paralysis and eventually asphyxiation. The average bite of pain, the poison causes immediate infection of the lymphatic system, getting the blood in 85% of cases leads to heart failure. Patients feel wild Mortis in life, men sometimes priapism. There is an antidote, used along with antibiotics, but because of the seriousness of the harm to the body poison the detoxification procedure is actually a chance of survival of the victim.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

17. The Anopheles mosquito

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

18. Rat fleas

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

19. The African honey bee

African bees look the same and in most cases behave like the European honey bees, which currently reside in the United States. They can only be detected by DNA analysis. Their stings are no different from the sting of ordinary bees. One very important distinction between the two types — protective behavior of the African bees, which manifests itself when protecting their nests. Some attacks in South America, African bees have killed livestock and people. This behavior AMP earned the nickname "killer bees".

In addition, this type of bee is known that behaves as an invader. Their hives attack of hives regular honey bees by invading them and installing a Queen. They attack in large colonies and are ready to destroy anyone who would encroach on their uterus.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

20. Fleas

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

21. Fire ants

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

22. Brown recluse spider

Bite very often goes unnoticed, but in most cases the sensations are similar to feel the prick of the needle. Then within 2-8 hours the pain makes itself felt. Further, the situation develops depending on the amount of venom in the blood. The venom of a brown recluse hemolytic action and, therefore, cause necrosis and tissue destruction. The bite for small children, elderly and sick people can be fatal.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

23. Ants siafu

Among these ants have a special group of soldiers. They can sting, which use their hooked jaws, and the size of these fish reaches 13 mm. the Jaws of the soldiers is so strong that in some places in Africa they even used to secure the seams. The wound may be closed for the whole 4 days. Usually after the bite Siafu consequences are minimal, don't even need to call the doctor. However, it is believed that the young and the elderly are particularly sensitive to the bites of these ants, observed deaths from complications after contact. Each year, according to statistics, from 20 to 50 people die from these insects. This contributes to their aggressiveness, especially when defending their colony, which people can accidentally attack.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

24. Giant Asian bee

Poison sting has 8 different compounds, which cause discomfort and damage soft tissue and creating a smell that may attract the victim of the new bumblebees. People who are allergic to bees can die from a reaction, but there are cases of deaths due to poison majoritatea, which can be dangerous, hitting deep enough into the body. It is believed that each year from these bites, kills about 70 people. Curious, but sting is not the main hunting bumblebees — their enemies, they crush the large jaws.

The 25 most dangerous insects on the planet

25. The tsetse fly

It is not necessary to count the flies so harmless to humans, because they actually kill people doing it quite often. It is believed that in Africa up to 500 thousand people are infected with sleeping sickness carried this insect. The disease disrupts the endocrine and cardiac systems. Then affects the nervous system, causing confusion in the minds and sleep disturbance. Bouts of fatigue are replaced by hyperactivity.

The last major epidemic was recorded in Uganda in 2008, in General, the disease refers to the list of forgotten who. However, one in Uganda for the last 6 years from a sleeping sickness died, 200 thousand people. It is believed that this disease is largely guilty of the deterioration of the economic situation in Africa. Interestingly, flies attack any warm object, even a car, but the Zebra they do not attack, considering it an flashing strips. Tsetse flies also saved Africa from soil erosion and overgrazing caused by cattle.

People have invented various methods of dealing with these insects. In 30-ies on the West coast killed all the wild pigs, but it gave a result of only 20 years. Now fighting through the hunting of wild animals, cutting down of shrubs and treatment of male flies with radiation to deprive them of their ability to reproduce.

Keywords: Beetles | Ticks | Insects | Danger | Poison

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