The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

Categories: North America

On January 16, 1939, the master of photography Ralph Gibson was born in Los Angeles. One of the most talented photographers of modern America, Gibson began to master the art of light painting at the tender age of 17.

Today he is a recognized master of dramatic, sometimes abstract minimalism. In his photos, as a rule, there is one geometric element: the corner of the room, the curve of the body, the eye… His work is characterized by mysterious semitones with a touch of mysticism, Ralph Gibson's erotic photographs are widely known — a little surreal, with a mysterious, but very transparent understatement.

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

Ralph Gibson was born on January 16, 1939 in Los Angeles. His father at one time worked as an assistant director (including in the films of Alfred Hitchcock), in his childhood and adolescence Gibson was often present on the set, where he got acquainted not only with the world of cinema, but also with photography. His love for orthochromatic film is often tried to explain by the fact that it was used in Hollywood films of that era.

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

But another episode that he experienced as a teenager had a much greater impact on his future work. "One day I found myself out of town all alone. I was walking blindly and suddenly in the distance I noticed a woman who was dozing right on the grass. She was wearing almost nothing of her clothes. She was hidden from me by some branches, and nothing prevented her from being in a kind of dreamy stupor. I saw only a fragment of her body, the curve of her hip, her extraordinary skin. I dared to come closer, and the beautiful vision disappeared. It was an oblong white stone that allowed my imagination to turn it into a woman with a fancy skin. Then I realized that everything depends on perception — how we see the object."

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

The 25 best erotic pictures of Ralph Gibson

Keywords: USA | North America | Photographer | Los Angeles | Best photos | Nude | Erotica | Sex | 18+

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