Brutal drunkenness: which of our lesser brothers likes to take on the chest
Categories: Animals | Positive
By Pictolic the pigs found out that we compare people drunk to them, they would be offended. Boozers pigs can not be called in any way. Unlike flies. At certain moments, do not feed them bread, just let them drink from overripe fruits. That is, from the point of view of zoology, it is correct to say "drunk as a fly". About what pushes insects to spree and who else among the representatives of the fauna has a habit of laying by the collar — in our article.
It turns out that it is more effective to catch butterflies not with a net. The surest way — even professional entomologists use it - is to arrange a beer trap. Sooner or later, a beautiful creature will definitely come to have a glass, and after a couple of sips it can be taken warm.
The alcoholism of butterflies was studied at Uppsala University. It turned out that at least 35 species have a weakness for beer. Males get drunk in order to saturate their seed with nutrients and, accordingly, increase the chances of fatherhood.
Flies also drink because of sex. Or rather, because of his absence. In 2012, the journal Science asked an urgent question: how does the diet of a male fruit fly, who has experienced the joy of copulation, differ from the menu of his fellow virgin? As you may have guessed, overripe fruits containing ethyl alcohol attract only chaste flies.
Their body lacks a special neuropeptide F, which is produced during mating and is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction. Poor people drink bitter to develop this feeling artificially. Well, just like men!
Every winter, the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of birds are cut short when they collide with a wall. The fact is that with the onset of frost, the production of alcohol begins in rowan berries, and by arranging noisy parties, the birds expose themselves to mortal danger. It is necessary to sort out the rowan trees, and the flight becomes uncontrollable. They are not taken to the detoxification center — there is no one to take care of the drunks. The least resistant to the green snake are the pipits. At least, they get drunk more often than other birds.
It often happens that animals that are not prone to alcoholism find fermented fruits, eat them and go all out. For example, in 2011, a moose from Sweden became an Internet hero after eating spoiled apples. The party ended with him falling asleep in a tree.
A similar story happened to a squirrel who found a whole bag of intoxicating apples in the village basement. A video about her adventures.
In conclusion, a few words about those who are not afraid of ethanol. The most striking example is the feather—tailed tupaya, which lives in the jungles of Malaysia. She jumps through the trees all night long, and likes to refresh herself with the nectar of the taham bertam palm flowers, which is known for a record content of ethyl alcohol - 3.8%. The animal consumes the same amount of alcohol at a time as 300 grams of vodka when calculated by the weight of an average person. At the same time, Tupaya does not show any signs of intoxication.
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