Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Project it appeared in 2001 and its founders just wanted to create a subcultural fan site for fans of tattoos and piercings. But suddenly it turned out that this is exactly what modern society lacked. From a website with photos of tattooed girls, Suicide Girls turned first into an online community with blogs, forums, chat, and then into a real business empire, producing books, magazines, radio shows, clothing lines, all kinds of accessories, multimedia releases, opening salons for piercing. 

(Careful! Nude).

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Today, the project "Suicidal girls" is more than two thousand models, professional and not so much. Among them are such stars as Melissa Clark, Audrey Kitching and Taing Tiffany, as well as many "stars" of a smaller rank. The project has fans not only among men, but also among women, and many ladies are struggling to get into the number of models.

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

The fantastic event Suicide Girls Party travels around the cities and towns of the USA and gathers the brightest and most cheerful people, as well as thousands of men whose fetish has become a tattooed or pierced body. Once it was impossible – such people gathered in secret, and society looked at them as socially dangerous freaks.

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Everything is known about the models of the Suicide Girls project today. No one considers these girls to be dissolute or perverted – many of them are vegetarians and are alien even to such common vices as smoking and alcohol.

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

In terms of frankness, the project competes with the legendary Playboy and many are already making comparisons not in favor of the boring classics.

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Suicide Girls Project: how to make a business naked body with tattoos and piercings

Keywords: Tattoo | Models | Project | Event | Piercing | Society | Sex | 18+

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