'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

Categories: Children | Conflict | People | Society | Tragedy | World

'Tomorrow's going to be a rough day. Stand by me.'

These were among the last words 14-year-old schoolgirl Mia Janin said to her friend in a WhatsApp voice note in the early hours of March 12, 2021.

Mia never saw tomorrow.

Her parents found her dead at 6.50 that morning at their family home in Barnet.
Mia, a year 10 pupil at the Jewish Free School (JFS) in Kenton, northwest London, took her own life after months of relentless bullying by male pupils, a coroner ruled yesterday.


'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

1. Mia Janin, who took her life at 14 after relentless bullying, pictured with her beloved dog Lola

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

2. 'Tomorrow's going to be a rough day:' These were among the last words Mia told her friend in a WhatsApp voice note in the early hours of March 12, 2021

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

3. Mia's parents found her hanged at 6.50 am on March 12 2021 at their family home in Barnet

Her heartbroken family has revealed the harrowing voice message she sent to a friend the night before she was due to return to school.

'Tomorrow's going to be a rough day,' said Mia through tears in the message, which was shared with BBC London. 

'Stand by me. I'm taking deep breaths. In and out.

'I'm currently mentally preparing myself to get bullied tomorrow.'

Mia's grieving father Mariano Janin said after the inquest yesterday that she was 'failed' by the 'people who were meant to keep her safe'. 

An inquest this week heard she was subjected to a vicious campaign of bullying by male pupils at school and online, which saw her targeted in a degrading boys-only Snapchat group.

North London area coroner Tony Murphy, sitting at Barnet Coroner's Court, concluded yesterday Mia 'took her life while still a child and while still in the process of maturing into adulthood'.

Mr Murphy said Mia was last seen alive at about 10 pm on March 11, 2021, when she said goodnight to her parents in their family home.

She was found hanged by her parents at about 6.50 am on March 12, 2021. Two undated letters in Mia's handwriting were found on her bed addressed to 'her loving family and friends', which 'explained that Mia decided to end her life'.

Mr. Murphy added before his conclusion that Mia had 'close friends including at her secondary school, but she also experienced bullying from some male students'.

He added that neither Mia's family nor teachers were aware of that before her death.

Tragically, Mia's mother, Marisa Janin, died just months after her daughter following an aneurysm.

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

4. Speaking after the inquest, Mr Janin told reporters: 'Nothing will bring back my wife and my daughter Mia'

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

5. Mia as a child with her father Mariano and mother Marisa

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Speaking after the inquest, Mr Janin told reporters: 'Nothing will bring back my wife and my daughter Mia. For almost three years, we have sought answers for the loss of Mia.

'Today, we find some of the answers to the failure of the people who trusted and were meant to keep her safe.

'My daughter experienced prolonged and sustained bullying in various ways in person and online. In a way, it's a relief this has now been recognized.

'However, there needs to be accountability. Another family cannot live what I have lived.

'I'm representing my wife and my daughter, who always held kindness towards others, and I will carry on.'

He paid tribute to his 'fantastic' daughter, adding: 'She was very bubbly, and had a good sense of humour. She was beautiful. She was very kind, very creative.'

Mia, born in 2006, loved art, cheerleading, and her dog, Lola.

She enjoyed hanging out with a small group of close friends.

Her good friend Yamin Bliss, who met Mia aged 10 and used to cheerlead with her told the BBC she was like a 'being like no-one else I know. She lit up every room.'

Mr. Janin, an interior designer originally from Argentina, called for changes in online laws 'to protect our kids'.

He said limits should be put on children's internet access and clearer ways for authorities to collect social media data in the event of other tragedies like Mia's death.

He added: 'The school has to be more vigilant. They need to involve more young people who understand all this social media and all this technology better than us.'

The father also called for schools to be 'clear' on values and how they transmit those to students so people can 'respect one another'. He said: 'It's very simple. It's nothing to do with me. Unfortunately, I'm a victim of this failing system

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

6. Mia, born in 2006, loved art, cheerleading, and her dog Lola. She enjoyed hanging out with a small group of close friends

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

7. Pictured: The Jewish Free School in Kenton, northwest London where Mia was a year 10 pupil

Mr. Janin welcomed the changes Mia's former school had made since her death and said Dr. David Moody, the headteacher, seemed to be 'doing a good job' and that he was 'glad' to hear the school has put changes in place.

He also said he would not support smartphone bans in schools, but referred to the Online Safety Bill, saying that is 'right'.

He added: 'We need to learn from our mistakes to avoid this happening again.'

Statements given by friends of Mia to the Metropolitan Police after her death were read out to the inquest, in which they said Mia was bullied by other pupils at the school, and that their friendship group was nicknamed the 'suicide squad' in the months leading up to her death.

They said that one of Mia's TikToks was shared to a Snapchat group chat run by male pupils at JFS, where they made fun of her.

One child said the boys used the group chat to share nude photos of girls.

Rabbi Howard Cohen, former deputy headteacher at JFS, told the inquest that after Mia's death, there was 'some talk around the school' of what he described as 'boys-only bravado groups' sharing images of girls, and he was made aware of a boys' WhatsApp group in which members were rating the 'attractiveness' of female pupils.

But there was no reason to believe the groups related to Mia, Rabbi Cohen said.

He told the inquest he held a meeting with members of one of the group chats, who then agreed to disband it.

JFS told the inquest it did not know Mia was being bullied or of the existence of the Snapchat group before her death.

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

8. North London area coroner Tony Murphy said Mia had 'experienced bullying behavior from some male students'

'Stand by me... I'm taking deep breaths in and out': The harrowing WhatsApp voice note tragic schoolgirl Mia Janin, 14, sent pal before taking own life after months of relentless bullying

9. The inquest heard how a group of boys bullied Mia and other students 'on buses, in class, and at home'

Mr Murphy also said: 'After Mia's death several students reported that she had been bullied by some male students from her secondary school and elsewhere,' the coroner said.

'On 10 March 2013, Mia posted a video on social media asking two of those male students not to mock her and criticizing their music and fashion.

'This video received a large number of hostile responses which Mia found stressful.

'On the evening of 11 March 2021, Mia said to her parents that she had a difficult week and asked to be moved to a different secondary school, which they agreed to explore.'

Mr Janin told the inquest that his daughter asked if she could move school, after coming home on March 11.

The inquest heard that his wife Marisa, who has since died, told Mia she could be home-schooled for the rest of the school year, and that they would look into moving her to a new school after.

Mia then went to bed. Hours later, she was dead.

The area coroner previously said that there was no evidence that any images or videos involving Mia had been shared in the group chat, except for the TikTok.

Keywords: Schoolgirl | Tragic story | School | Tragedy in school | Children | Kids | Teenager | Mia Janin | Bullying

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