Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

Categories: Animals | Children | Positive

Each of us learns from someone, and these people usually become our parents. Judging by these amazing photos, bears are no exception in this sense. In this collection you will see how the mother bears teach the little bear cubs to be smart and what they will definitely need in their bear life.: how to fish, how to climb trees, how to swim and climb rocks. I bet that in some of these cute photos you will definitely recognize yourself.

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mindSource: boredpanda.com

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

He hid.

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind


Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"That's it, son, row with your paws!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"I don't know why we got up on our hind legs, but it's cool."

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Who ate the whole jar of raspberries? I'll show you."

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

— Mom, look how I can! — Why did you get in there, dubinushka?

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Mom, who is this guy and why is he taking pictures of us?"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind


Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Ma-a-am! We don't like that guy with the camera!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Give me a ride, big dipper!".

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

— You're Mom's hare! — Mom, well, I'm not a hare, I'm a bear!

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Mommy! There's some suspicious guy staring at us!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind


Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Come give me a hug!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"Well, Mom, I asked you not to kiss me in front of my friends!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind


Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind


Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

"No, Mom, don't, I don't want to drink this fish oil anymore!"

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

An organized crowd of bears went to rob bees.

Spooning snow in the way: the sweetest mother bears teach the cubs mind-to-mind

— Mom, I'm so sad! — Come hug me!

Keywords: Polar bears | Mom | Bears | Milota | Mimimi | Child | Parents

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