Special signs

Special signs

Categories: Photo project

Mexican photographer Carlos Alvarez Montero, torn between Mexico City and New York, took twenty portraits of his compatriots with neck or face tattoos as part of his Scars project. All images are symbols of something important in the life of each of the heroes of the project. For one, this is a mother, for another, revenge, and for a third, just women.

Carlos Alvarez Montero - Scars

(Total 10 photos)

Special signs

Special signs

1. Arana and Shuster

Special signs

2. Ingel and Umberto

Special signs

3. Marta and Jiju

Special signs

4. Drestes and Miguel

Special signs

5. Dick and Manson

Special signs

6. Jesus and Cobra

Special signs

7. Beta and Beat-yo

Special signs

8. Emra and Anna Paula

Special signs

9. Sonrisas and Rush

Special signs

10. Pablo and Vince Monster

Keywords: Mexico | Tattoos | Photo portraits

Post News Article

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